This subject matter will likely confuse, and possibly bore, most of our subscribers as it is difficult to “connect the dots” if you choose to ignore that we are at war. We get that, but our team of citizen reporters felt compelled to share these details anyways to assist those in the early awakening phase.
Many may not be aware or care that the Twitter account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was suspended briefly on or around 7/15/23. His account has since been restored so no telling why an on/off switch was triggered randomly on his Twitter account. It makes little or no sense really.
Twitter suspends account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (7/15/23)
This leads to the obvious question….why would there be a need to silence a retired Archbishop “in hiding” and former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America? What information does Archbishop Viganò have to share with the world that would pose some sort of ominous threat?
Let’s review some facts for those catching up to this mysterious figure.
In late August of 2018, Archbishop Viganò released testimony detailing abuse cover-up by Pope Francis. These accusations were apparently delivered face to face back in June 2013. We are talking about over 10 years of cover-up at least, and likely many more.
Archbishop Viganò releases testimony detailing abuse cover-up by Pope Francis (7/27/18)
Throughout the 11-page testimony, which was translated by a Lifesite News correspondent, the former nuncio made several claims and accusations against prominent church officials, alleging they belong to "a homosexual current" that subverted church teaching on homosexuality.
Citing the rights of the faithful to "know who knew and who covered up (Archbishop McCarrick's) grave misdeeds," Archbishop Vigano named nearly a dozen former and current Vatican officials who he claimed were aware of the accusations.
It is interesting to note that the link provided by the Catholic Register to his 11-page testimony is no longer accessible. When information disappears while censorship rules the day, you can draw your own conclusions.
Around this same time, Archbishop Viganò called on Pope Francis to resign.
Former Vatican official calls for Pope’s resignation (8/26/18)
Pope Francis has repeatedly asked for total transparency in the Church," Vigano continued. "He must honestly state when he first learned about the crimes committed by McCarrick, who abused his authority with seminarians and priests. In any case, the Pope learned about it from me on June 23, 2013 and continued to cover him.
Archbishop Viganò was also quite outspoken about the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
Archbishop says coronavirus pandemic has led to Satan going into a “frenzy,” calls for mass exorcism on Holy Saturday (4/10/20)
In the early months of 2020, Viganò said that the lockdowns were part of the activation of the Great Reset and that then President Donald J. Trump represented the "final garrison against the world dictatorship" and that the United States represented a "defending wall" in a "war" against globalism.
In an open letter to President Donald J. Trump in June 2020, Archbishop Viganò praised the president for “wisely” opposing the “children of darkness whom we may easily identify with the deep state” and claimed that restrictions to stem the pandemic were a “colossal operation of social engineering.”
Trump “honoured” by Viganò letter (6/13/23)
In another open letter to President Donald J. Trump in late October 2020, Viganò basically stated that a New World Order global conspiracy was being carried out through organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its “Great Reset” agenda partners like the World Health Organization (WHO). He warned that digital IDs, health passports, and vaccinations would soon become mandatory for all humans, and refusal to comply would result in forced isolation.
Do yourself a favor and read this letter from start to finish… was shared publicly for a reason.
Are you clearly understanding why Carlo Maria Viganò poses a major threat to the globalist movement and must be silenced or portrayed as a nut job by the MSM?
He has been plainly and succinctly telling the world who we are at war with. This is not a war in which one country battles another. This has nothing to do with politics. This is an ideological war against an “invisible” enemy. The prize – sovereignty and basic human rights.
Archbishop Viganò pushes conspiracy theories about Ukraine and Russia in 10,000-word letter (3/7/22)
Archbishop Viganò told Trump that “both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons.”
It is “we the people” from all nations, created by God with inalienable rights that no one can take away from us vs elites/groups/entities/corporations bending the knee to the globalist Agenda 21 / Great Reset that is bullying all people to become an inventory controlled UPC item number under a One World Government / Satanic cult / Rainbow Jihad / Deep State / NWO very much interested in population control.
We the people at The Fruited Plain think it is time for Declaration of Independence wealth to spread worldwide to ensure that the most basic human rights and freedoms are protected once and FOR ALL. It is time for the globalist movement to implode as NWO controlled EVMs are removed one by one in voting booths across the world so we can all get back to living our lives in peace under God’s divine providence. Demons out, we say!
We would encourage others to consider following Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on Twitter just like you subscribe here. To be perfectly clear, we are NOT suggesting you donate money to the Viganò cause or anything like that. We are NOT endorsing Archbishop Viganò or suggesting he is some sort of “in the know” type of person. We simply have a gut instinct that he will have very pertinent information to share in the coming months.
Archbishop Viganò allegedly joined Twitter in June 2023 and has gathered 13K+ followers in just a month.
President Donald J. Trump shined a bright spotlight on this mysterious personality back in 2020 so his messaging could be extremely relevant moving forward. Viganò is likely another “actor” in the movie that has an important role to play and message to share, if you are one of the few still tuned in. This movie is very difficult to follow at times so it is 100% understandable if you have already left the theater.
The key to it all – know who your enemy is so you can get into the fight that matters. Stop spending all day worrying about war with China, Russia, and North Korea. They are all fighting for their own national sovereignty.
Stop waging war with your friend/neighbor on social media over who to “vote for” in the 2024 [s]election. While the Deep State globalists control the EVMs, these discussions are irrelevant.
And always remember that the New World Order is nothing new. The Nazi World Order (NWO) has simply been rebranded.
Dr. Mahithir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia, warned everyone of the dangers of the NWO at a conference back in 2015, suggesting that the One World Government concept is at least 100 years old.
The elite want to have a borderless world and that means there will be no states and no nations, but only a single world government ruling everyone."
President George H.W. Bush basically ushered the NWO into the United States as the United Nations was emerging. He made mention of a “One World Government” ideology and “New World Order” in 1990, ironically on 9/11, and again in 1991. Check out this video around the 19:30 mark.
Presidential Address On The Persian Gulf (9/11/90)
“We The People” need to start recognizing who the real enemy is. Archbishop Viganò has succinctly told us AGAIN who the real enemy is. Are we listening? And do we have the courage to actually face up to this “invisible” enemy when it surrounds us on all sides? It hard to see the forest from the trees, especially when the UNI party has been in control for so long.