The New Development Bank, formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, was conceptualized at the 4th BRICS summit in 2012. Terms were agreed to at the 5th BRICS summit in 2013, and all was fully implemented at the 6th BRICS summit in 2014.
On 15 July 2014, the first day of the 6th BRICS summit held in Fortaleza, Brazil, the BRICS states signed the Agreement on the New Development Bank, which makes provisions for the legal basis of the bank. In a separate agreement, a reserve currency pool worth $100 billion was set up by BRICS nations.
The New Development Bank, formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, is a multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
This “new” bank has been operational for over 10 years and you will notice a few more flags on display since the recent expansion of BRICS that occurred on 1/1/24.
From right to left, the first 5 flags appearing on display in the above photo are: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The other 3 flags, from right to left, are: Bangladesh, UAE, and Egypt.
When our team began to dig into this story, we stumbled upon this link that we had taken note of a few years ago. This link is now broken (or the content has been removed) so you will have to take our word on the quote found in the PDF that once resided here.
The BRICS New Development Bank since 2015
The five nations want to do something different than the traditional Western-controlled development banks, like the World Bank. They have also stressed that the NDB is not meant to challenge the Western banks, but rather to complement them.
Got it? The BRICS Development Bank, or New Development Bank, should NOT be considered a threat to Western banks. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. offered up similar sediments. BRICS is apparently inevitable so there is nothing to fear as we watch BRICS expanding.
Allow our team to assist with the translation: With the US Federal Reserve System bankrupt, we (BRICS) needed to create something entirely NEW. Or better stated….with the Rothschild banking cartel no longer owning central banks across the globe, we (BRICS) needed to do something to ensure world economies did not collapse.
Is it just our team or does anyone else find it odd that Bangladesh’s flag is on display at the New Development Bank? The most recent BRICS expansion was to include: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, UAE, and Ethiopia. Based on our count, 5+5=10. Plainly stated, there should be 10 flags on display at the New Development Bank.
With Bangladesh included, the numbers would be 5+5+1=11? Why are the flags of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Ethiopia not on display? We are quite certain that 5+5 does NOT equal 8.
Argentina was also slated to join BRICS as of 1/1/24, but apparently Argentina backed out last minute. The 2024 expansion of BRICS was supposed to involve 6 nations, not just 5. The numbers were supposed to be: 5+6=11
Argentina indicated that they wanted to show their support of the US and Israel so they backed away from joining BRICS. Odd move? Or good for them?
Again, what is up with the Bangladesh flag on display at the New Development Bank? Isn’t Bangladesh still just one of many countries considering BRICS membership? How does one become part of the BRICS New Development Bank prior to being a member of BRICS? Is Bangladesh considered part of India?
Bangladesh was a part of British India, and after the Partition of India, it became a part of Pakistan. It was earlier known as East Pakistan, now it is called Bangladesh.
With the partition of India in 1947, it (Bangladesh) became the Pakistani province of East Bengal (later renamed East Pakistan), one of five provinces of Pakistan, separated from the other four by 1,100 miles (1,800 km) of Indian territory. In 1971 it became the independent country of Bangladesh, with its capital at Dhaka.
This story from October suggested that 39 countries are eager to join the BRICS bloc in 2024.
And, again, there is that Bangladesh flag, displayed on both ends of this photo. This is the same photo that Robert F. Kennedy Jr displayed in his recent tweet.
This other more recent article suggests that 40+ countries are ready to join the BRICS bloc with flags from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Pakistan on display.
BRICS: 25 Countries Look To Join The Alliance in 2024 (1/2/24)
South African BRICS ambassador Anil Sooklal confirmed that nearly 25 countries have formally sent their applications to join the bloc. “Over 20 countries have formally applied to join BRICS, while the same number have expressed interest,” he said.
So let’s switch gears, hit the pause button, and reflect for a minute. Which countries did the US Debt Clock suggest as being involved in the global investigation of electronic voting machines manipulating election outcomes across the globe?
So Brazil is a founding member of BRICS. Iran just joined BRICS as of 1/1/24. And as of 1/2/24, it sounds as if Maduro hopes Venezuela will join BRICS in 2024. Again, who exactly is “we” in the above statement from the US Debt Clock?
The only two things an American citizen can really take away from BRICS right now is that BRICS continues to expand and the United States is not invited. We would NOT suggest holding your breath, waiting for that shiny BRICS invitation envelope to arrive in the mail for the US. G7 countries need not apply!
BRICS countries dump $123 billion in US Treasuries in 2023 (9/25/23)
The sell-off of US Treasuries continues at a slow, steady, methodical pace. It is almost like watching a controlled demolition. As one weakens, another strengthens. As one decreases, another increases. As one collapses, another fortifies.
Per the Visual Capitalist, the United States now makes up more than one-third of the world’s government debt, surpassing $34 trillion dollars as of 1/2/24.
So who holds the most US Treasury securities as of 10/31/23? Japan does.
2024 could really be the year of the dragon. The Chinese horoscope for 2024 suggests that 2024 will be the year of the “wood dragon.” Will the dragon come with fire from China or Japan? And what could this dragon be seeking to slay exactly?