Operation Paperclip | Project MK-Ultra
Why the need for secrecy? | Why the need to rebrand/rename projects?
It looks like we have entered the era of perpetual rebranding. On Tuesday, 6/6, the PGA Tour announced that it will be getting a branding face-lift with the “transformational” partnership announced with LIV Golf and the DP World Tour. So why does an ultra successful organization with a well-established “brand” who has spent millions of dollars “building its brand” decide suddenly to “rebrand” under a new logo and slogan? Are they trying to disconnect and separate themselves from something associated with the existing brand? Time will tell.
Let’s use DARPA’s LifeLog as another example. The LifeLog project that the Pentagon developed as a government research program was basically the development of Facebook. The Pentagon ended LifeLog on the same day that Facebook was born in February 2004. Why the need for rebranding/renaming?
Facebook was packaged as this cutting edge technology that only college students could use initially, later convincing their parents that Facebook was really cool and useful. It was certainly never presented as an addictive tool that would one day track and control the thinking of millions of people. DARPA’s LifeLog was developed for mind control and tracking human behavior. Facebook is merely a “rebranded” version of LifeLog, achieving the same exact purpose.
The CIA has not denied being in the business of mind control. In fact, CBS News Ed Bradley reported on the MK-Ultra mind control experiments being conducted by the CIA back in December 1984 or nearly 40 years ago.
MK-Ultra/Mind Control Experiments
Reaching back even further, we know that JFK fired Allen Welsh Dulles in 1961. Dulles was the director of the CIA overseeing Project MK-Ultra and many others. The list of CIA projects is quite lengthy, but here are few more for those interested in digging deeper on the topic of “CIA operation and projects” - Project Bluebird, Project Bluebeam, Project Evergreen, Project Monarch, Operation Chaos, Operation Gladio, Operation Mockingbird, and Operation Sandman to name a few.
The 10-year charter and/or funding for Project MK-Ultra appears to have ended in the early part of 1963 and was not continued until after JFK’s death. Which begs the question……if the CIA was involved in JFK’s assassination (as has been reported on various news sources recently), was this one of the many reasons JFK was killed?
Was JFK taking a stand that there would be NO more mind control experiments on humans?
Just weeks after the assassination of JFK in mid-December 1963, funding was once again provided for CIA operatives involving mind control.
In 1964, MK-Ultra was………..wait for it……”rebranded” under the name MK-Search. But why? Why would it be necessary to “rebrand” a CIA project from MK-Ultra to MK-Search? Or why use other names like MK-Naomi and MK-Delta? Let’s leave these murky details right there and get to the meat of this post.
Operation Paperclip is the main topic of this post and you might notice that we have not mentioned those words until now. This delay in delivery of the goods is intentional as Operation Paperclip is a hard subject to research and write about as the topic appears to be “historical in nature” and one that you might “archive” quickly, questioning the relevance to the “here and now.” Books have been written on this topic so we are not talking conspiracy theories here.
Operation Paperclip was just a code-name that allowed Nazi scientists to be absorbed (with their extensive knowledge of mind control and human behavior gleaned under Hitler’s regime) into the US intelligence agencies after WWII ended in the fall of 1945. Many were leaders in or closely affiliated to the Nazi Party.
Some have suggested that America retained the German Nazi scientists, while Canada retained scientists from Ukraine. However, our team has not been able to confirm this. Putin has simply indicated that the “special military operation” that Russia is carrying out in Ukraine is to shut-down the bio weapons labs and that Ukraine is riddled with Nazis, both statements denied vehemently by the US MSM.
We do know that approximately 1,600 German “scientists” were granted US citizenship as part of Operation Paperclip. The list of names goes on and on.
Operation Paperclip or Project Paperclip was basically…..wait for it…..”rebranded” in the US under the name Project MK-Ultra. The Project Paperclip team is pictured above at Fort Bliss.
Nazi “scientists” basically infiltrated areas of the US Military Industrial complex and “intelligence” agencies like the CIA, NASA, and more. But why?
Are you understanding the significance? Infiltration vs invasion? Is it safe to suggest that the CIA, FBI, and other “intelligence” agencies are 100% corrupt with intentions to harm the American people?
Is it safe to say that United States government was overthrown when JFK was assassinated in 1963 and the NWO globalist elites have advanced their agenda since? Is it safe to say that the American people have likely voted in ONLY “rigged” elections for at least 40 years, and possibly 50 years or more? Is it safe to say that our “modern day” healthcare system is really all about drugging people with little or no health “care” offered in the majority of US hospital systems? Why is this?
The enemy is now going toe to toe with you and your kids under the guise of some rainbow colors. Emerald Robinson refers to this as the “Rainbow Jihad.”
Their primary goal is to normalize pedophilia and destroy the dwindling strands of morality barely holding the fabric of American culture together. In short, they want to destroy the nuclear family entirely. The family unit provides strength and stability to a nation so without it, chaos and demise reign supreme. For the Nazi World Order (NWO) Agenda21 or Agenda2030 to work, America must fall. There can be NO BEACON OF FREEDOM left on the planet prior to ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT taking hold. If you don’t recognize this, you will soon regret not waking up to this stark reality sooner.
We hate to break it to you. We are living through the fall-out of Operation Paperclip, Project MK-Ultra, and a host of other NWO/CIA operatives all involving mind control and controlling human behavior. In fact, we might be living through the ultimate MK-Ultra experiment of controlling humans by altering their DNA through vaccine injections dowsed with mRNA “technology.” The COVID-19 international propaganda campaign and the mRNA “vaccine” bioweapons were all designed to control populations (tracking a person’s every step) or to depopulate.
Global digital health certificates are the same thing, all designed to track and control humans, similar to the DNR tracking the deer herd population. It is the “inventory control” of humans (just like animals) allowing population stats to be monitored to “save the planet.” Ironically, the WHO’s launch of the global digital health certificate occurred on D-Day as it could easily represent the end of individual sovereignty and freedom as we know it.
WHO Tedros launches “global digital health certificates” (6/6/23)
And God only knows what the impacts of cell phones, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, ear pods, and similar things are having on our minds and our ability to reason and think.
In summary, we are living through the fall-out from Operation Paperclip, Project MK-Ultra, and many other evil NAZI/CIA operatives that emerged after the failure to prosecute war crimes after WWII. Yes, the Nuremburg trials did apparently occur, but way too many NAZI scientists and their IDEOLOGIES were ushered into labs across the US and Canada.
This is what we know. German scientists from the Nazi party were recruited by the US and have worked in agencies like the CIA since 1945, JFK despised the CIA, and Trump went to CIA HQ on his first day in office.
And this is what we think at The Fruited Plain.