As of 12/1/24, the US Debt Clock entered its 15th consecutive month of sharing cryptic, visual communications with the American public. While the majority has decided to join in with the US MSM and push this information aside, pretending that it does not exist, our “Maha Collective” team of citizen journalists has decided to lean into the US Debt Clock and track its every move. We are contrarians, by nature, so that is what we do.
But, what’s the story? No really, what’s the story being told by the US Debt Clock?
Well, the beauty of the US Debt Clock is that you only get to see the puzzle taking shape when you see all the pieces of the puzzle. A single, lonesome puzzle piece from any puzzle, in and of itself, is quite boring. Many Americans have seen a puzzle piece or two shared from the US Debt Clock on social media. Each individual post from the US Debt Clock, standing alone, is quite easy to quickly dismiss when you don’t see all the other puzzle pieces. However, the puzzles pieces, when put together, create a masterpiece and tell quite the story. The story being told by the US Debt Clock is now coming into view.
Remember, we are likely watching a 60+ year continuity of government plan coming to an end so the “big picture” is quite BIG! As the saying goes, no one can get their “arms around” the vastness of all that is happening right now. Best guess, we are talking about massive and egregious crimes against humanity that require a complete reset of currencies around the world. If you are just starting to think big, super size it! Think bigger! Think evil beyond imagination.
The first three posts from the US Debt Clock in December 2024 were all posts that had been shared earlier. Consider this an invitation from the US Debt Clock to do a quick review, if you missed any of these details, or puzzle pieces if you will, earlier. All three posts were accessible on the US Debt Clock website via the “secret window” link in the upper right corner. No password is required or anything like that - just hover over the upper right corner and click to see.
The US Debt Clock kicked off December with this post review on 12/2/24. Imagine our world, for just a minute, if this alternate record of historical events had played out in our nation’s history. The Federal Reserve and the 111 years of corruption that followed would have never happened if arrests were made at Jekyll Island in November of 1910.
Could we go so far as to surmise that the creation of the Federal Reserve was a planned and successful attempt to overthrow the USA Republic and “We The People?” Did this course of action make all Americans financial slaves?
On Tuesday, 12/3/24, the US Debt Clock shared this post review. The keywords appear in the fine print on this one. The extremely small print, located around perimeter of this image, states “Debt Free - Interest Free - Bankless.”
With these 3 things in play, the dollar can be reinvented and a prosperity principle emerges. For the majority of US citizens who have lived under the tyrannical rule of the Federal Reserve system, this transition to a “bankless” society will be mind blowing.
On Wednesday, 12/4/24, the US Debt Clock shared this post review. In simplest terms, the Federal Reserve system was likely nothing more than a branch office of the Bank of England, established in 1694 and owned/operated by the Rothschild banking cartel. If you “End The Fed,” you dethrone the crown. If you “End The Fed,” you restore the USA Republic back to what is was intended to be in 1776.
This revolution is a win for the 99% or “We The People” from all nations. This revolution is not for the elites, representing the other 1% of the world’s population, who have reaped the benefits of the Federal Reserve system all of these years.
On Thursday, 12/5/24, the US Debt Clock went off script and posted just this date stamp of 12/8/24 at 10:00 pm (EST) / 9:00 pm (CST). What is the significance of this date? Time will tell. It must be another puzzle piece that will fit into the puzzle later. Remember, remember the 8th of December.
The “Revalue Your Thinking” imagery was shared earlier by the US Debt Clock. To review briefly, the “old” FED dollar does not EQUAL the “new” USA dollar. The “old” was fake and backed by nothing but thin air, while the “new” will be real and backed by gold. It will be a ‘bankless” revolution.
It is also good to note that the launch of the RLUSD stablecoin is scheduled to happen later in December. Pay close attention now as we will soon find out if the “RL” stands for Ripple USD or “Real” USD.
On Friday, 12/6/24, the US Debt Clock shared this post review, reminding all of us that we are about to repossess the land and assets that were stolen from us when this central bank system known as the Federal Reserve was created. We are talking about an 111-year reign of terror by the Federal Reserve.
Do you get positive or negative vibes from this imagery? We are getting some tingles up the spine from this image as it is clear that the golden era is about to be unleashed. “We The People” shall repossess the land, quite literally. It is time for a reclamation revolution to occur.
On Sunday, 12/8/24, the US Debt Clock shared this post review, which also came with a promo teaser shared earlier in the day. The US Debt Clock seemed to be stating something like “It’s a long time in coming” or “It’s about time.”
Flipping over of the tables of the moneychangers should have happened a long time ago. 2000 years is a long time for this to actually occur!
This image is particularly interesting as it marries up to the very first post made by the US Debt Clock back on 10/1/23.
What’s the story, you ask? From start to finish, the entirety of the US Debt Clock’s cryptic storytelling is, and always has been, about exposing those manipulating currencies.
On Monday, 12/9/24, the US Debt Clock took to Twitter/X, sharing this DOGE classic. It is good to note that nearly 16 days had passed since the last post was made by the US Debt Clock on the Twitter/X platform. The most recent post on the Twitter/X platform was dated 11/24/24. To refresh, DOGE stands for the Department of Government Efficiency so the US Debt Clock is mocking the US military’s expenditures tagged for Afghan army uniforms.
Think logically! Do you think this money was spent to equip our troops or to equip the Afghan troops? Our troops would not have needed any of this. And to refresh, the US did also turn over an entire airport to the Afghans. It is almost as if the US military was helping Afghanistan set-up its own army and air force base, equipping them with planes, gear, and military fatigues. Now why would the US ever want to or be required to do any of this? Can you say reparations?
While the US Debt Clock was busy on Twitter/X on 12/09/24, it went into post review mode again on the website, sharing yet another previously shared post. The new financial system will result in REAL wealth preservation for the next millennium. Backed by gold and silver, the newly reinvented USA Treasury dollar allows for all assets to be tokenized.
When this all actually happens for all to clearly see, we are guessing that several of you might state something like this. “The eagle has landed…..that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
On Tuesday, 12/10, the US Debt Clock shared this post on the website, focusing again on the “new” USA dollar and the tokenization of assets. The three Presidents who opposed the concept of central banking and paid the ultimate price for their stance were Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy.
“We The People” appear on this post just to the right of JFK. Our “money” is being reinvented to serve “We The People” rather then enslaving “We The People.” What do you think the background details mean? It appears to show the date of 1913 in the background with a -16 clearly displayed over the top of the 1913 date. Could this simply be pointing us to the year of 1897? (1913-16=1897)
We also wanted to share this post made by the US Debt Clock on Telegram on 12/10/24. The US Debt Clock Telegram page operators suggested that we will all be waking up to a new reality. On 12/11/24 perhaps? No taxes on Medicaid, Social Security, overtime pay, crypto, digital assets…..and don’t forget tips too - this all sounds quite good.
The unique thing about this picture is the faint image of the US Debt Clock logo appearing front and center, just below the Ichthys with the X. Yes, the US Debt Clock logo has taken center stage or is part of the picture now. It is also good to note that this image shows the USA wrapped in gold with four angels appearing at the outer four corners.
On Wednesday, 12/11/24, the US Debt Clock shared this new image on Twitter/X at 11:00 am (EST) / 10:00 am (CST). The messaging is quite clear. The FED fiat dollar has been losing value nearly every year since 1984. We are now approaching the end of the road so something has to give.
And when you recognize that the decline, and eventual demise, of the US dollar was the weapon that the New World Order globalist elites were planning to use to usher in One World Government, the picture on the puzzle box becomes even more clear. This failing financial system was not an accident - it was intentional. Build up the one “free” nation that stands for freedom and sovereignty, remove any backing of that currency by real assets like gold or silver, make this fake and fragile currency the world reserve currency, and then slowly devalue that same currency until nations around the world are begging for One World Government to step in and save us all. More plainly stated, the perpetual decline and eventual demise of the US Dollar was a play for world power.
It is simply good to note that the US Debt Clock website followed suit and posted this same image in the evening on 12/11/24.
On Thursday, 12/12/24, the US Debt Clock shared this post review. What is more powerful than money? Answer: An idea.
Money is just a means to an end. Ideas drive innovation and advancement. And the idea encompassing 1776 and the Declaration of Independence……drives all things America. Old glory with 13 stars = freedom from tyrannical rule! In the end, it is only an idea, but a very powerful one.
On Friday, 12/13/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image on Twitter/X at 11:00 am (EST) / 10:00 am (CST). This is the 4th DOGE themed post shared by the US Debt Clock. More on this topic will be delivered to you soon.
Again, the US Debt Clock is scrutinizing the US military or the US military industrial complex. Why in the world would jet “technology” go up in price 4.5 times in 48 years? This overly bloated spending wreaks of corruption. Where is all of this money going? Again, think bigger. We are talking about abhorrently evil crimes against humanity being carried out by a tyrannical regime. We are talking about an 111-year reign of terror sponsored in part, or likely in full, by the Federal Reserve system.
This post also appeared later in the day on 12/13/24 and remained visible in the morning hours the following day.
On Saturday, 12/14/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image, suggesting that the USA Treasury (not to be confused with the US Treasury) dividend dollar will increase in value by 3% a year.
How does that sound right now as our country teeters on the threshold of financial ruin with our national debt exceeding $36,000,000,000,000+? Money gaining value year over year would be the exact opposite of what we have experienced year over year for the past 40 years.
On Sunday, 12/15/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image to conclude the first half of December. This one came with a promo teaser, like several other posts made prior. It looks like the White House is going direct, bypassing the Federal Reserve system, and going straight to the USA Treasury.
In addition to this website activity on 12/15/24, the US Debt Clock telegram page was also quite active, sharing these two posts. The reevaluation of silver will play a key role in establishing the new financial system. Per the US Debt Clock, 1/20/25 will be the beginning of the end.
We are living through historical times that will change the course of world history.
This concludes the US Debt Clock’s miniseries for the first half of December 2024. For those still with us, we hope you are enjoying the show!