Are you keeping up with the 2023 fall hit series? The US National Debt Clock airs on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday evenings at or around 6:00 pm. Disclaimer: Please know that this post is INTENTIONALLY long so our subscribers and friends have a one stop shop for all things US Debt Clock, episodes 1-18. Please share it to help inform others.
Our team published two articles on this in October so those catching up to this developing story may benefit from reading this post first from 10/5/23 to get a better feel for the bigger picture.
Just like the thousands of TV sitcoms that Americans have watched over the years, a person has to tune in and watch the next episode to learn a little more. It is as if a story is being told from back in time to the here and now. Episodes 2-9 are detailed here.
Please keep in mind that NOONE knows the exact story playing out here so think logically on your own and draw your own conclusions. The US Debt Clock has basically become an overnight hit TV series so it is meant to capture our intrigue and leave us “wondering” what will happen next. Before we dig into episodes 10-18, let’s review episodes 1-9.
~ Episodes 1-3 made it clear that a Biblical theme is involved and that a righteous anger could be on display.
~ Episodes 4-6 made it incredibly clear that there is a financial piece to this story and gold and silver play a leading role.
~ Episodes 7-9 appeared to be suggesting that someone exchanged gold for worthless paper under the guise of “safekeeping.”
The 10th episode displayed this image on 10/22/23, focusing the viewers on the Lord our God who dwells on high, while displaying the US flag with 13 stars. This Bible passage comes from Psalm 113:5 (KJV).
The Betsy Ross flag with 13 stars from 1777 was the early design for the flag of the United States. One other interesting detail on the map in the background is the “red” line drawn between the US and Canada border and the US and Mexico border.
The Alpha and the Omega Greek letters appeared again in the lower left and right corners, as has appeared in earlier episodes.
A coin displaying some sort of “ram’s head” was placed front and center. Our team discovered that the British minted some coins in Australia that had a “ram’s head” on display, but the imagery does not match perfectly. The Shilling Ram’s Head shows some similarities, but it does not appear to be an exact match to coin shown.
On Tuesday, 10/24/23, the US Debt Clock shared this image, giving a “Tin Man” like character the lead role for the day. Are we to follow the yellow (gold) brick road? We are clearly NOT in Kansas any longer, correct? The message is quite clear in this post: Money creation is a scam.
Is this post alerting all of us that the US dollar is a counterfeit currency? Are gold backed currencies the path forward or even backwards in time? Has “Tin Man” come to the end of his road?
On Thursday, 10/26/23, this texting conversation about ice cream appeared, suggesting that the person was unable to purchase ice cream with cash or digital currency.
This could be a picture of how social credit systems will work - people will be declined when purchasing basic necessities. These social and financial “monitoring” systems are already being implemented in parts of China. Scary stuff!
The words “Thomas X” were cited again at the bottom. Our team is wondering if the Thomas X reference is a reference to the 7 teachings digital track describing the 7 Ojibwa teachings - Respect, Truth, Wisdom, Honesty, Humility, Courage, and Love. Others have wondered if Thomas X has something to do with Clarence Thomas as some have compared Clarence Thomas to Malcolm X. Who knows right? The X could also be a reference to Twitter’s new logo and company name.
The letters CBDC and the words “Federal Secure Digital Token” appeared at the top.
CBDC likely refers to “Central Bank Digital Currency.” Are central banks across the world moving to some sort of gold backed currency? Does this include or exclude the US Federal Reserve/central bank? Let’s pause to answer that question until we review the post from 10/31/23.
On 10/26/23, it was also noted by Derek Johnson and others that the “Total Debt to GDP” box went blank.
On Sunday, 10/29/23, the story continued with President Abraham Lincoln taking center stage as the narrator. A long quotation was cited from 1864, reminding all that “money power” preys upon all nations in BOTH times of peace and adversity. The Bible is quite clear that the “love of money” is the root cause of all kinds of evil.
The Battle of Williamsburg is noted at the bottom of this image.
The Battle of Williamsburg, also known as the Battle of Fort Magruder, took place on May 5, 1862, in York County, James City County, and Williamsburg, Virginia, as part of the Peninsula Campaign of the American Civil War.
Emerald Robinson put out this lengthy post on Abraham Lincoln for those interested.
The “sawbuck 10” was also displayed at the top of the 10/29/23 post. There is that letter “X” again, and quite similar to the logo of X (aka Twitter).
In addition, a picture was displayed of Alexander II who was known for emancipating the serfs, serving as Emperor of Russia from 1855-1881.
Another picture was shown of Otto von Bismark, known for establishing welfare states, serving as Chancellor of Germany from 1871-1890.
Are you catching a few themes? It seems to us that this post from 10/29/23 shined a BRIGHT light on the time frame in history between 1860 -1890 and money power. Follow the money, they say. It also showcases the Archangel Michael standing over Satan with sword in hand.
On 10/31/23, the US debt clock sitcom switched time frames. This post appeared, detailing a chart showing STOLEN wealth from 1971 to 2020. The image might suggest that the US dollar has been “unplugged” and/or the original 3 prong cord can no longer be plugged back into the gold token 5 prong outlet. Do you think the chart stopping at 2020 has any significance? Did something historic happen financially in March 2020?
Here are the images of a few of the smaller details, as best we could extrapolate. It interesting to note that gold coins were used as the background on some sort of silver X plugin and greenbacks appeared in the background to an old 3 pronged electrical outlet. All of this on display while the character wears a t-shirt showcasing a splattered and tattered US flag.

Our team thought that this tweet seemed to summarize this US debt clock post from 10/31/23 pretty well.
Plainly stated, Americans born after 1970 have been placed on a financial treadmill and they can NEVER out run the system. We are “slaves” to a counterfeit fiat currency, as are the many other countries that are dependent on the US Dollar.
On 11/2/23, the US debt clock seemed to bash the US Federal Reserve System.
Wrong way? Caution cones? Danger? Do not enter? This all sounds quite uplifting for the Federal Reserve’s future, huh? And what response do you think the news of the Federal Reserve closing its doors will incite in some? It certainly looks like the news of the Federal Reserve being boarded up may blow a few people’s minds.
On 11/5/23, the US debt clock returned to a Biblical theme, focusing everyone on the days of Noah and the wicked and immoral times leading up to it. God sent a flood across the world to wipe out mankind, while sparing Noah, his family, and 2 of every living creature. The passage cited here is from Matthew 24:37 (NIV).
The account of Noah can be found in chapters 6-9 of Genesis, the first book of the Bible.
11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. 14 So make yourself an ark of cypress[a] wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
Genesis 6:11-14 (NIV)
The image from 11/5/23 clearly shows four angels at the corners. In addition, the Greek letters Alpha and Omega appear for the 4th or 5th time. However, this time, Omega appears in the lowercase (ω).
P and X also appear, creating the Chi Rho or chrismon, one of the earliest forms of the Christogram.
In pre-Christian times, the Chi-Rho symbol was also used to mark a particularly valuable or relevant passage in the margin of a page, abbreviating chrēston (good).
On or around 11/5/23, it was noted by a few other sources that the US Debt Clock showed how much gold each country holds. This can be found under the “Gold and Precious Metals” section.
During episode 17 on Tuesday, 11/7, this image appeared under the title “Self-Reliant Disorder.”
The “DS schools” title suggests that this post involves our current education system and the fact that “breakthrough” medications are conveniently offered to our aspiring youth at these locations.
Some think the mention of the “blue” pill is a direct reference to the ADHD pills administered now to millions of kids across the US.
There are two types of Adderall® that come in blue pills, one is the 7.5mg dose, and the other is the 10mg dose. There are also shape differences between the two. The 10mg pill is round, while the 7.5mg pill is an oval.
Per the CDC…People with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active.
It is good to note that the mysterious “Thomas X” reference appeared again quietly at the bottom.
And finally during episode 18 on 11/9, this image appeared placing Woodrow Wilson in the spotlight. Wilson served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913-1921, led the “Progressive Movement,” and was apparently quite unhappy after he realized he “unwittingly” destroyed a great nation.
He (Woodrow Wilson) developed a program of progressive reform and asserted international leadership in building a NEW WORLD ORDER.
The chart would indicate that the US dollar’s purchasing power has dropped significantly since 1913, the year the Federal Reserve was created. In just over 100 years, its value has dropped to 3 cents.
The Bretton Woods system from 1944 was brought to an abrupt close when the gold standard was abandoned in 1971.
On 15 August 1971, the United States terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold effectively bringing the Bretton Woods system to an end and rendering the dollar a fiat currency.
Our team published this story on the US Dollar back in April for those interested in learning more.
This concludes The Fruited Plain’s feeble attempt to summarize the incredulous story unfolding on the US Debt Clock. Before sharing this post with a friend or two, as an extremely large number of people are oblivious to the first 18 episodes of this “hit” series, please ask yourself this pointed question.
Under what circumstances would a country’s currency (US Dollar) be ordered removed from international circulation and/or its central bank (Federal Reserve) be ordered closed? When and why would this be required?
More plainly stated, why would the Federal Reserve be considered a “danger zone?”
The Federal Reserve System (often shortened to the Federal Reserve, or simply the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act.
It looks like we are all about to find out if the Federal Reserve Act was created legally, while Congress was in session on 12/23/1913 or illegally, while Congress was out of session.
It would appear to our team that the illegal Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was a weapon of mass destruction, placing our very existence as a Constitutional Republic at risk for the past 110 years and gravely impacting other countries.
Welcome to the precipice!