The US National Debt Clock continues to signal out to the American people, while the US MSM deems it all conspiracy theory and unworthy of your attention.
Despite there being no real way to confirm its legitimacy, our team does know one thing. The US Debt Clock is not stopping its communications with the American people, and no one is forced to listen. However, those who do have the listening capacity to take in this story are blessed to have front row seats to quite a show.
Think about it. We are 10 months into this cryptic storytelling, and to our knowledge, no one from any US MSM outlet has even made mention of the US Debt Clock. It has received the ultimate show of respect from the US MSM - the silent treatment.
Before we proceed with our July review, it is good to note that the US Debt Clock updated its profile logo image on Twitter/X on the final day of the Republican National Convention on 7/19. Encapsulated in layers of silver and gold, an eagle can be seen holding a golden strand in its mouth, and a red, white, and blue shield is displayed in the center. Above those images, X marks the spot over an angelic, white background and 13 stars complete the circular border.
This new profile logo is extraordinarily similar to the logo used for joint sessions of Congress.
What do you think all of this means and why the need to update a profile logo image on 7/19? Does this logo update represent a larger scale change occurring in the background? Per the House calendar, the US Congress is out of session or on “summer break” as of 8/2 and scheduled to reconvene on 9/9.
Without further ado, let’s get on with our monthly review.
The US National Debt Clock kicked off the traditionally hot month of July with this post on Wednesday, 7/3/24. It was shared at the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
It can’t be more clearly stated. When you dethrone the Federal Reserve System and the “crown” banking system that extends all the way back to 1694 and the Bank of England, you ignite a revolution for 99% of the world population. Why? Once the “Fed” is officially dethroned, the US dollar will no longer be the world’s reserve currency. #Freedom
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Sunday, 7/7/24 at its normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
It appears that an emerald green dragon resided in the “house of the fed,” but that dragon is about to be slayed or has been slayed by the silver knight. Again, there are some overarching themes to extract here. First and foremost, 2024 is the “year of the emerald green dragon” so watch for this all to occur now rather than later.
And as communicated many times earlier, silver plays a pivotal role in the slaying of the Federal Reserve system. Per the US Debt Clock website, the “Dollar to Silver” ratio hit $241 per ounce on 7/7/24.
As of 7/28/24, the “Dollar to Silver” ratio was at $263 per ounce.
As of 7/31/24, the “Dollar to Silver” ratio was at $411 per ounce.
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Wednesday, 7/10/24 at its normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
The US Debt Clock has showcased images of John F. Kennedy multiple times now. This JFK post centers on our sovereign citizenry secured by a “bankless” card. Life without banks - a quantum leap forward. While the US Debt Clock was displaying this image on its Twitter/X page, the US Debt Clock website posted this image on 7/10/24 detailing a “bankless” savings account.
Again, please note the letter “A.” The US Debt Clock is not making mention of the US Treasury. However, it is stating that the USA Treasury will usher in some major changes to our financial systems.
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Sunday, 7/14/24. It is good to note that this post, like a select few, was shared 1 hour and 11 minutes after at its normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). This post also occurred exactly 19 hours after the assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump in Butler, PA. Per ABC news and other sources, the shots rang out at 6:11 pm (EST) / 5:11 pm (CST) on 7/13/24.
With God taking up residence once again at the heart of our nation, the Constitution can be restored. The Ichthys symbol (gold fish shape) means Jesus Christ Son of God Savior. Finally, it is simply a fact that our nation was founded on Christian ideals.
Remember, we are immersed in ideological warfare. The enemy strongly desires to remove God from America as our rights come from God. No God = No Constitution = No America. When you hear the words “May God Bless America,” stop thinking that these are religious whackos getting up on their high horse. God must be recognized as something real, at least for America to remain a nation. Our rights come from God, not our government. Why do you think “they,” meaning the enemy, hate Trump so much?
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Wednesday, 7/17/24. Interestingly, this post came one hour earlier than the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
It appears that our financial future is about to be unlocked. What does the financial future hold in store for you and for me? Well, it appears that a NEW USA (there is that “A” again) dollar will be introduced soon. No longer will the fake, fiat US_ dollar rule our lives and the lives of people in nations across the globe. All American citizens will own a share of America and our future will be “bankless.” BTW, spellcheck does not even recognize “bankless” as a word.
The X marks the spot imagery is likely just the middle of America, which appears to be over Omaha, NE or other surrounding cities. Technically, the geographic center of the contiguous 48 United States is located in Smith County, Kansas, about 2.6 miles northwest of Lebanon, Kansas.
It is good to note that the imagery in the background of the one photo appears to be Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, but it is difficult to confirm that detail. The other photo appears to be a farmer’s field located somewhere on the fruited plains of our great land.
On Thursday, 7/18/24, the US Debt Clock website posted this image, indicating that it preferred being paid for work in silver and/or gold, but not the fiat currency or just food.
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Sunday, 7/21/24 at its normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). The time has apparently come for all of us to step out of the matrix.
It looks like the silver warrior, equipped with a special thorium-filled saber in one hand and the Constitution in the other hand, will be leading us forward. However, Ephesians 6:11 is your reminder to know your enemy or beware of the real enemy. The devil’s schemes are designed to lead you astray so it is best to put on the full armor of God so you stand ready for his assaults. A Satanic cult stands at the center of the globalist regime so know and understand that they will fight as “We The People” emerge from the matrix.
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Wednesday, 7/24/24. Interestingly, this post also came two hours earlier than the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). There is that theme again. Imagine your life without the Federal Reserve. Imagine a world without the Federal Reserve.
As the OLD US dollar is dethroned as the world’s reserve currency, a NEW and improved USA dollar will emerge. Element #79 Au Gold and element #47 Ag silver will determine its value. This image is chocked full of several smaller details that requires lots of zooming in and out so our team decided to leave the minutiae unpacking up to the reader on this one. We are not really sure what an eagle landing on a rock formation surrounded by water in a grand canyon like area means so we are going to leave this one for the reader to interpret.
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Sunday, 7/28/24. This post came one hour earlier than the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). Do you find the topic to simply be odd or quite captivating? Well, it is certainly odd that a “financial” entity would be communicating about MKUltra.
For those unaware, Project MKUltra was a human behavior manipulation program operated by the CIA.
Project MKUltra was an illegal human experiments program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.
The picture of the person in military apparel appears to be the mysterious Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged JFK assassin. Some records would indicate that Lee Harvey Oswald was actually Alex James Hidell. Our team has not been able to confirm or refute this claim as many of the JFK files remain sealed.
Do you find it odd for the US Debt Clock to shine the light on the alleged JFK assassin while presenting a conversation between a Project MKUltra “candidate” and a CIA “programmer” or “doctor?”
To refresh, Fox nation aired a short series on 8/9/21 entitled “JFK - The Conspiracy Continues” and Tucker Carlson went on record stating that the CIA is/was responsible for the assassination of JFK. Of course, all of this “crazy” talk has been swiftly filed away by the US MSM as whacko, silly, conspiracy theory.
Were mind control techniques used during an assassination of a sitting POTUS with JFK? What about Crook’s assassination attempt on Trump?
Our team certainly finds it to be an extremely odd “coincidence” that the CIA is being asked about Crooks involvement in MKUltra on the exact same day the US Debt Clock is making a post about MKUltra.
And to think that Joseph R. Biden served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence back when MKUltra was a hot topic of discussion during congressional hearings in 1977. Note the names of the other committee and subcommittee and think logically.
The US National Debt Clock shared this post on Wednesday, 7/31/24 to close out the the incredibly entertaining month of July. Interestingly, this post also came two hours earlier than the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
Perhaps it is just our team’s rampant curiosity, but do you find it interesting that a financial entity like the US Debt Clock would shine the light on the CIA MKUltra human experiments program and now the election results in Venezuela? Are the electronic voting machines being manipulated across the globe as inflationary pressures weigh heavy on “We The People” in the US, Venezuela, and other countries? Based on very limited research into this, it would appear that Venezuela elections are managed through DRE branded voting machines.
However, the election graph charts from Venezuela look awfully familiar to the election graph results from the Georgia runoff election which utilized Dominion voting machines.
Again, we are going to let the image shared by the US Debt Clock on 7/31 stand on its own for all to interpret as they see fit. Pay close attention though as the US just announced that the evidence would support the opposition candidate.
And you thought July was hot? Buckle up as August is coming in even hotter.
Want to learn more about the US Debt Clock’s mysterious storytelling that began on 10/1/23? Our red, white, and blue June 2024 review is stacked full of information.