On Friday, 10/11/24, the US Debt Clock posted this thought provoking image. We promised our subscribers a deeper dig into this one, so here it is.
When the US Debt Clock goes off script by sharing verbiage vs just pictures, we pay closer attention. In this case, we wanted to dig a little deeper into the background images/layers that often go unnoticed.
Focusing on just the conversation presented in this US Debt Clock image, our team shared these thoughts on this post earlier.
The Federal Reserve is a ponzi scheme….always has been….always will be. ThomasX lays out the future outlook for the FED with this question. “But - ponzi schemes always end badly?” Yes, the end of the Fed will not be pretty. The sword of truth and justice will prevail in the end. The FED involved grand theft of “We The People’s” wealth. The FED ponzi scheme was meant to enslave “We The People.” The FED ponzi scheme was designed to lead “We The People” into the arid desert where we all will be crawling on our hands and knees begging for water soon.
As is true with all US Debt Clock posts, it is quite easy to pass over details and dismiss them as “nothing to see here.” Our modern American lives are so fast paced that it is easy for important details to “pass us by.” The role of the “Maha Collective” team of citizen journalists is to slow down and dig a little deeper….to shine the light on details that we may have been inadvertently dismissed or deemed unimportant. Even though the conversation between ThomasX and the FED representative dressed appropriately in a devilish green cape is quite intriguing, the background images/layers are also quite scintillating.
In the black and white space that appears in the background of this post from 10/11/24, the name Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D. appears. Her name can be seen at the very bottom of this black and white space.
Ms. Brown is an author of books involving alternative medicine (“The Alternative Pharmacy”) and finance (“The Web Of Debt”).
The words “Web of Debt” are partially seen at the very top of the black and white space.
Ms. Brown’s LinkedIn profile indicates that she is an author, an attorney, and a public speaker.
Brown is the founder and chairman of the Public Banking Institute, a nonpartisan think tank devoted to the creation of publicly run banks. She is also the president of Third Millennium Press, and is the author of twelve books, including Web of Debt and The Public Bank Solution, as well as over 200 published articles, appearing in the New York Times, Huffington Post, Common Dreams, Truthout, Asia Times, Global Research, OpEdNews, Alternet, Truthdig, Counterpunch and elsewhere.
Brown published The Public Bank Solution, revisiting her arguments in Web of Debt, tracing the history of public banking, and discussing various options to implement it in the contemporary economy.
It looks like Ms. Brown may have some ideas to share on the topic of the FED being a ponzi scheme? It could be time for “We The People” to head to the library and locate "Web of Debt” to educate ourselves a little more.
The other interesting detail in this US Debt Clock post from 10/11/24 is the windblown, sandy background.
What exactly does sand have to do with financial matters? Well, this is quite literally where the devil could very well be in the details on this US Debt Clock post.
Before we proceed, we wanted to mention that Dan Scavino, Trump’s Senior Advisor, posted this video on Saturday, 10/12/24, or just a few hours after this US Debt Clock image was posted on 10/11/24.
Mr. Scavino has posted this video from Rock History more than once. It showcases Metallica performing the song "Enter Sandman" in Moscow, Russia 1991. An absolutely enormous crowd is seen having a blast at an outdoor rock concert.
Does it seem odd to you that the US Debt Clock and Dan Scavino would be making references to “sand” in the same 24 hour period? Is this all just random coincidence or coordinated communications?
Could it be that the US Debt Clock is signaling out that Operation Sandman is coming to a theater near you? And what exactly is Operation Sandman, you ask?
Operation Sandman, or Project Sandman, is allegedly a collaboration of 100+ nations in agreement, or working in concert, to simultaneously sell off their US Treasury holdings. By sending these holdings back to the US simultaneously, it would collapse the US dollar, and fast.
And which country tops the list of countries with Treasury holdings? Per the data table posted on this topic, Japan, China and UK top the list.
As radical as Operation Sandman may sound, it would basically be a swift, coordinated, and effective way to remove the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
Is Operation Sandman about to take center stage? And if Operation Sandman does take center stage, would this event rock the world? And would an absolutely epic, historic event such as this “End the Fed” in just a matter of minutes? Answer: Yes, yes, and yes.
Quoting ThomasX…”Ponzi schemes always end badly.”
Quoting Dan Scavino…”Enter Sandman.”
Prepare for landing, my friends. Time to buckle up and stay seated until the plane, or this intricately woven COG plan, comes to a full and complete stop at the gate. Upon arrival, we would like to welcome all of you to your gloriously anticipated destination - real freedom. It is time to imagine life without the FED’s “web of debt” suffocating your very existence.
Our “Maha Collective” team can’t predict the future, but it certainly feels like it is about to be 1776 all over again!