The US Debt Clock has been telling quite the story for almost 6 months now. In October 2023, it began posting images through its “secret window” link. We have referred to these posts as “episodes” up until now as the US Debt Clock was consistently going live at 6:00 pm (EST)/5:00 pm (CST) on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. In February 2024, the delivery schedule shifted to two image posts per week on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons. Three (3) shares per week….then two (2)… then what? 3-2-1
Our team’s post on this topic is nothing more than a quick compilation of the US Debt Clock posts made on X through March 2024. It is hard to imagine that these cryptic posts have been happening for 6 months. For those interested in learning more, all of the previous US Debt Clock episodes can be accessed via the story link found at the end of this post.
On St. Patricks Day 3/17, the US Debt Clock posted this image under the theme “Turn On ________ To The New Kingdom.” The words “liberty” and “justice” are vaguely scribed on the yellow “ON” button that appears in the title. Are liberty and justice about to be turned on?
The X penned across the United States map in the charcoal color appears to be a reference to the solar eclipse that is slated to occur on April 8. Are the stars and constellations aligning for a new financial system to be fully implemented? The Bible passage reference comes from Psalm 113:5. Here is the same passage quoted from the NIV translation.
Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high. Psalm 113:5 (NIV)
The God of scripture is the Creator God, the maker of heaven and earth. Interestingly, the US Debt Clock emboldened the image of the Ichthys symbol that appears front and center. The X represents Christ. The resurrection of Christ was just celebrated by Christians around the world on Easter Sunday, 3/31.
On 3/20, the US Debt Clock reverted back to a compare and contrast theme, suggesting that we are unplugging from the Federal Reserve ponzi scheme. The image would suggest that the Federal Reserve balloon is about to burst.
When we say “we” in this context, we mean the entire world. The Rothschild banking cartel’s reign of financial terror is about to blow up. The Rothschild family basically owned the Federal Reserve and hundreds of central banks across the globe. The Fed was, quite literally, a money factory. Or more bluntly stated, the Federal Reserve was a weapon of mass destruction. Under the new financial system, we transition from this corrupt, debt based system to a wealth building system. The Federal Reserve ponzi scheme will no longer be the foundation on which we stand. The Constitution will be the foundation on which we stand firmly moving forward.
On 3/21, the US Debt Click pinned this message at the top of it X page, encouraging people to download the US Debt Clock app from the app store.
It appears that this app requires a fee of $4.99 for those interested. And no, The Fruited Plain has no close affiliation to the US Debt Clock, nor does it receive any financial incentive by sharing this information. We are simply sharing what the US Debt Clock did on this date.
On 3/24, the US Debt Clock posted this image under the theme “Wake Up To A New Reality.” The Ichthys symbol appeared again, front and center, with the X emboldened. The four archangels are pictured hovering in the 4 corners.
Think about it for a minute. What would it mean to have no Federal Reserve or IRS in our lives? What if each of our families could pass down assets from generation to generation, without being forced to incur massive tax implications? We are talking about REAL freedom entering the picture vs a life of slavery to the US dollar. Once the US Republic is restored fully, it will have a ripple effect across the globe. The 13 stars that are quite difficult to see in the darker shaded circle likely represent the original 13 colonies.
On Wednesday, 3/27, the US Debt Clock provided a quick history lesson, showcasing the evolution of money past to present.
The plunder age, or conquest era, goes back centuries. Obscurely, the US Debt Clock dated the 2nd era, or tally era, as taking place from 1100-1694. For many, the banking age is all we really know. This image shared by the US Debt Clock would suggest that the banking age started around 1695. When do you think the banking era ended? 2014? 2020? 2024? The Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve system, and several central banks from across the world are all owned and controlled by the Rothschild bank. The golden age, asset based and debt free, appears to wipe out this banking era.
Again, we are presented with the John F. Kennedy, silver on gold, half dollars. It is interesting that the US Debt Clock decided to utilize this image to describe the “golden age.” To refresh, Kennedy vowed to destroy the Federal Reserve system and scatter the CIA into pieces.
On Easter Sunday, 3/31, the US Debt Clock posted this image utilizing the theme “Rise Up.” Under a similar format as has been seen in multiple posts from earlier, 4 archangels appear in the 4 corners and the Ichthys symbol clearly displays the X for Christ.
It looks like the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness, as the founding fathers intended it to be, is about to be restored. It is time for the American people to rise up. As the US Corporation, established illegally in 1871, collapses, the American people will be asked to “rise up” to the challenges of restoring the USA Republic.
We will close our brief review of the most recent US Debt Clock communications with a simple reminder that the US Debt Clock has mentioned the CERN Hadron Collider a few times. The CERN logo appeared on a post made by the US Debt Clock in early December 2023.
Is our reality on a collision course with something big about to happen? We aren’t allowed to know fully, if it is. However, we do know that the CERN Hadron Collider is scheduled to be fired up and tested on 4/8/24, the same day as the solar eclipse.
In addition, we also know that the US Debt Clock has shined a light on the solar eclipse, scheduled to occur that same day.
More to come later this week on CERN and the much anticipated solar eclipse.