Most Christians or Bible-believing folks are familiar with the story from the Book of Exodus describing the parting of the Red Sea for the people of Israel, God’s chosen nation.
When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle. Exodus 13:17-18
It is hard to imagine what the people of Israel were thinking as they approached the Red Sea. GPS would not have recommended this route. They were basically led to an encampment by the Red Sea and trapped between the body of water and the fast approaching and extraordinarily intimidating Egyptian army. Bloodshed was imminent. Many would die on this hill. Can you imagine the hopelessness? Can you imagine the pit in their stomachs as they looked at their children knowing their lives were soon over? Their lives were quite literally in the hands of the almighty God.
The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, so that he pursued the Israelites, who were marching out boldly. The Egyptians—all Pharaoh’s horses and chariots, horsemen and troops—pursued the Israelites and overtook them as they camped by the sea near Pi Hahiroth, opposite Baal Zephon. Exodus 14:8-9
And then what happened? By the grace of God, the Red Sea parted and God’s chosen nation of Israel marched on foot to safety on the other side.
And what happened to the ominous Egyptian army? Let’s check the lyrics of the song that the Israelites sang jubilantly as their lives were spared.
Pharaoh’s chariots and his army he has hurled into the sea. The best of Pharaoh’s officers are drowned in the Red Sea. The deep waters have covered them; they sank to the depths like a stone. Your right hand, Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, Lord, shattered the enemy. Exodus 15:4-6
So how are you feeling these days? Are you feeling like an outside force is waging war on our society and our way of life? Are you concerned about the future our kids and grandkids face? Have the rigors of this “technologically advanced” lifestyle just become too much? Do you feel like your enemies have surrounded you on every side and the future is quite bleak? Are you feeling like the Israelites must have felt encamped along the shore of the Red Sea - like sitting ducks?
The only difference between the Israelites and modern day Americans is the fact that their enemy was visible. Americans face an “invisible” enemy, seeking to first destroy America so they can usher in One World Government globally.
Please do not misunderstand - the enemy is not just the Democrats or just the Republicans. Politics really has NOTHING to do with this. The UniParty or the “establishment” or the “globalist cabal” or the “deep state” is made up of members from both US political parties. George H.W. Bush is the one who publicly ushered in the New World Order or Nazi World Order.
And even though the enemy is somewhat “invisible,” their agenda is quite visible.
This “invisible” enemy is dangerous (to all nations) as killing for their cause is actually considered virtuous. And their evil agenda is masked in what might appear on the surface to be honorable goals.
UN | Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development
We also know with absolute certainty that the enemy adheres to a globalist agenda that includes action plans that ultimately result in depopulation.
In short, the “invisible” enemy is willing to “kill for its cause.”
The “invisible” enemy operates in a world void of God. The enemy sees itself as God or a god.
So what is the antidote for this poison? What is the “invisible” enemy mostly afraid of? What destroys the “invisible” enemy or slows its army from advancing on the battlefield?
Two simple words - NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY. Bullet point #5 on Agenda 21 states that they want to end NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY.
Your friends at The Fruited Plain are humbled to inform you that you and your family have already crossed to the other side of the Red Sea. The enemy is about to be swallowed up and thrown into the depths of the sea, and it is truly going to be Biblical.
Ripple’s XRP is the world currency that is backed by gold that serves as a “bridge” currency.
Bridges typically connect two pieces of land or carry a person to the “other side.”
Ripple's digital currency, XRP, acts as a bridge currency to other currencies. It does not discriminate between any fiat/cryptocurrency, which makes it easy for any currency to be exchanged for another.
XRP allows central banks to be owned and controlled by each nation, while allowing for world trade to still occur. In short, XRP secures NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY for each and every nation.
No nation, including the United States, will ever be owned and controlled by one world bank….EVER AGAIN.
XRP, the ledger's native currency, acts as a bridge currency to increase the speed and reduce the cost of cross-border transactions. Using XRP as a mediator currency reduces the need for pre-funded accounts and enables more efficient transactions than was previously possible through traditional financial institutions. (8/28/2023)
Are you tracking with us? We are talking about complete and utter devastation for the enemy seeking to depopulate and destroy. NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY has no place in their plans to turn humans into inventory controlled mechanisms. Once NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY is secured through the XRP ledger (XRPL) and the gold backed world currency of XRP, the walls of water come crashing down and swallow up the globalist movement. The UNNWO globalist cabal and the Egyptian army will soon have one thing in common - they will reside in the depths of the sea.
What do you think Putin is fighting for exactly? Let’s answer this question first. Who considers Putin an enemy and who does Putin say he wants to destroy? It was reported by several obscure sources that Jacob Rothschild (Rothschild Banking cartel) called Vladimir Putin a traitor to the New World Order going back to 2014 or 2015. And Putin is on record stating that he will destroy the New World Order.
Plainly stated, Putin is fighting for his country’s NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY, banning the “invisible” enemy (banks like the Rothschild Bank and companies like Microsoft and Facebook) from conducting “business” in Russia. The banking cartel, Big Tech, and the CIA are not welcome in Russia.
Are you seeing why the counterfeit currency we call the US dollar is facing obliteration? Are you understanding why the US national debt clock is now tracking BRICS GDP separately?
We are talking about the end of financial slavery for all nations.
Translation - the XRP bridge currency secures NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY for all nations.
Just think….we are just a few months away from the Constitutional Republic of these United States of America being restored while the doors of the Rothschild Bank owned US Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service are nailed shut.
We are talking about spreading declaration of independence wealth WORLDWIDE!