1 Comment

Quite true - particularly at the Douglas County Board and Omaha City Council! They have structured their Agendas and rules to maximize the restriction of and denial of your Constitution rigths, and under the Ne Statutes re: the OPEN MEETINGS ACT, and ",,,your right, your duty to...." via peaceful means, with "LAWFAIR", "Crowd Speak", "Groupthink" and "unreasonable rules", particularly the refusal to engage a citizen in a two way conversation. The can if they choose too, but like to make comments - after the citizen leaves the Podium! And "Roberts Rules" are mostly back seat to "Parliamentary" rules! No longer do they have a max of 5 minutes for "Citizen comments" for issues NOT on their Agenda, that relate to Governance"! Recently removed - as was reports on their lobbying activities at the State and Federal levels, that work against us in favor of leftist, MARXIST Groupthink propaganda!

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