The US National Debt Clock has been communicating regularly with the American people for over 6 months. April marked the 7th month for these cryptic communications that began in October 2023. For those playing catch up, all previous US Debt Clock posts can be accessed via the links that appear at the end of this April update.
The US Debt Clock kicked off April 2024 with a post entitled “The Silver Warrior.” This post was shared at 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST) on Wednesday, 4/3.
Posts from the US Debt Clock are now being delivered on Wednesdays and Sundays. What exactly is this post from 4/3 communicating? Based on the image, it would appear that the “silver warrior” is able to “slay” the Federal Reserve System or “cut” it in half. Are the silver half-dollars that John F. Kennedy put into circulation in 1963 that powerful? The silver warrior is equipped with a sword, full body armor, and a USA shield. The warrior appears to be sporting some red, white, and blue hair.
Interestingly, the US flag hanging in the background is hung backwards, which can sometimes signal a time of distress. A “backwards” flag is also part of the US Flag Code, in that it applies to spacecraft, aircraft, and even service members’ uniform insignia placed on the right shoulder. Is the US Debt Clock communicating that Space Force has got this? Space Force was created on 12/20/19 while Donald J. Trump was in office.
On the day before the solar eclipse, the US Debt Clock put out this message under the theme “GOD WINS.” This message was shared at 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST) on Sunday, 4/7.
Despite the Greek letter A being inscribed across the US after the solar eclipse of 4/8/24, God remains. The Creator God not only controls the sun, moon, and stars, but He created them. God is the Alpha and the Omega, not man. God is the beginning and the end of our story or HIStory, if you will.
This US Debt Clock post from 4/7 showcases 3 black charcoal lines across the US, highlighting the paths of the last three solar eclipses. Greg Reese put out this article in early April that provides a little deeper context. If we are truly at war with an invisible enemy, this Reese report does an excellent job of understanding the enemy and its ideology.
Our team put out this story about the solar eclipse, highlighting the extremely odd “coincidence” that the CERN Hadron Collider was allegedly active on the same day.
Do you find it odd that Peter Higgs (the “God particle” guy) died on 4/8, the same day as the solar eclipse and all the alleged CERN activity? What are the chances?
On Wednesday, 4/10, the US Debt Clock shared this message, honing in on the USA Treasury. This message was shared at the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
Please note the letter “A”. We are NOT talking about the US Treasury. We are talking about the USA Treasury. The USA Treasury provides the combination code that unlocks the vault door that leads to real wealth and financial freedom. A financial revolution, shifting from debt to wealth, is underway. This picture of the USA Treasury vault is quite different from the Federal Reserve vault that the US Debt Clock presented earlier. The Federal Reserve vault is or will be boarded up and closed for business.
The Patrick Henry quote cited on the post from 4/10 states:
The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
Couldn’t the exact same thing be said of the electronic voting machines? “We The People” are not allowed to see the transaction details or cast vote records (CVRs) as that is where the fraud lies. The transactions of those manipulating the machines are to remain concealed. No real auditing allowed!
On Sunday, 4/14, the US Debt Clock shared this post at the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). Under the theme “Freedom Of Expression,” the US Debt Clock displayed the opposing ideologies.
It is liberty vs tyranny. The USA Republic is pitted against the New World Order. The torch of the USA Republic is lit for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all of mankind, while the New World Order seeks to control all of mankind under One World government. Free speech wins this war! Why do you think we write? Free speech is our weapon of mass destruction. Hence, we write and you read.
We are wise to read and reread the quote from John Adams, one of our nation’s founding fathers and 2nd POTUS from 1797 to 1801.
Let us tenderly and kindly cherish therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.
Adams was the first person to hold the office of vice president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797.
The X logo that appears on the shield in the US Debt Clock post from 4/14/24 appears to be the Twitter/X logo. As you might recall, a certain President was pretty fond of writing “mean” tweets when the platform logo operated under the blue bird.
On Wednesday, 4/17, the US Debt Clock shared this message, suggesting to the American people that the “right side is up” now. As you can see, this message was NOT posted at the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). This post was made 12 minutes later at 12:12 pm (EST) / 11:12 am (CST).
Lots to unpack in this message, but we will start with the obvious. As has been the overarching theme now for several weeks, the US Debt Clock is alerting all of us that the Federal Reserve System and fiat currency are going down. The USA Treasury, backed by gold, is flipping the old system on end or even replacing it.
Where is the gold stored? Well, the US Debt Clock would like to remind everyone that the majority of the gold is stored at Fort Knox. The building pictured behind the “up” triangle shape that is gold in color is Fort Knox, located in Kentucky.
Fort Knox is a United States Army installation in Kentucky, south of Louisville and north of Elizabethtown.
The United States Bullion Depository, which is also known as Fort Knox, sits adjacent to Fort Knox. In simplest terms, they are basically one in the same.
It is adjacent to the United States Bullion Depository (also known as Fort Knox), which is used to house a large portion of the United States' official gold reserves, and with which it is often conflated.
Per the US Mint website, the Bullion Depository holds over half the gold reserves.
So if you were the leader of the free world and you stumbled upon some gold reserves while confronting a few other world leaders with crimes against humanity, where would you store the gold?
To refresh, some of you might recall this story surfacing during the Trump presidency that was quickly censored and put away by the fact checkers. Did this really happen or didn’t it? Were 650 planes required to repatriate tons and tons of gold from the Vatican to the USA Treasury? These details have been since shared on multiple TV outlets by Dr. Janet Halper-Hayes and by many others on various social media channels.
And when talking about gold, Rosa Gumataotao Rios (Rosie Rios) is certainly another name to remember as she had direct oversight of the gold reserves at Fort Knox as 43rd Treasurer of the US. In May 2021, she was appointed……wait for it…to the board of directors at Ripple.
Blockchain start-up Ripple said Tuesday (5/4/21) that Rosie Rios, the 43rd treasurer of the U.S., would join its board of directors.
Does this help you see the big picture? Are you understanding why The Fruited Plain is committed to writing stories about Ripple even though most of our subscribes appear to be uninterested?
We are going to leave our analysis of the US Debt Clock image share from 4/17 at that. The primary takeaway from this particular post is that one financial system is being replaced by another. We are living through a controlled demolition of the US Federal Reserve system.
On Sunday, 4/21, the US Debt Clock shared this post, returning to its normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). Under the theme “Level Up - A New Earth,” the US Debt Clock continued its cryptic communications with the American people, or at least those few who care to listen.
The USA is covered in gold and the Ichthys X is front and center. The Bible passage that is quoted is from the revelation of Jesus Christ. Here are the first 9 verses of Revelation 1.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The words “Level Up” could mean a number of things. It could simply mean that a new earth is about to be revealed or come into view. Or could this phrase have something to do with the levelling up that occurred in 1868?
Levelling-up" was first used in the House of Commons in 1868 in relation to equality between Catholicism and the Church of England, with Serjeant Barry, the Solicitor General for Ireland, saying "If religious equality were attempted in England, it must be either by levelling up or levelling down." Conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli responded by noting the phrase to be one which "seems to be a very favourite one with Hon. Gentlemen opposite" and said that he should "very much like to have their views as to the distinct meaning they attribute to the phrase".
We read the above excerpt like 6 times and still have not totally made full sense of it. We report, you decide. Our job is not to always provide answers, but to provide paths to the potential answers. “Level up” could also be shining the light on this.
"Levelling up" is a political policy first articulated in the 2019 Conservative Party manifesto that aims to reduce the imbalances, primarily economic, between areas and social groups across the United Kingdom.
Is the financial playing field being “leveled up” for all people and all countries? And how would the elimination of the Rothschild banking cartel, the Bank of England, and the US Federal Reserve system impact this?
On Wednesday, 4/24, the US Debt Clock shared this message placing the “Silver Warrior” front and center. This message was shared at the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). Under the theme “System Reset - Silver Revaluation,” the US Debt Clock made it clear that silver also has a key role to play in the financial system reset.
The image would suggest that the silver revaluation may already be underway, but it appears to have been “suspended” or will be “suspended” after silver rises from 192.5 to 200 (up 7.5) and then from 200 to 211 (up 11) and then from 211 to 233 (up 22). It is interesting to note that the “Silver Warrior” is standing firmly on the eagle that is displayed on the presidential seal and this is surrounded by 13 stars. Is silver being revalued to the time of the 13 colonies or 1776? The silver warrior holds the key and can unlock the vault with one turn to the right.
To refresh, John F. Kennedy issued executive order 11110, which amended executive order 10289.
ShadowofEzra has posted often on Twitter/X on this topic reminding everyone that the $4 billion worth of $2 and $5 bills were supported by silver reserves stored in the USA treasury vaults.
On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order No. 11110, directing the Treasury to produce $4 billion worth of $2 and $5 bills. The bills, supported by silver reserves stored in the Treasury's vaults, were issued without debt or interest. The seigniorage, or profit from coinage, went directly to the US government rather than to the privately owned US Federal Reserve Bank. This issuance of notes was part of Kennedy's broader strategy to diminish the influence of the US Federal Reserve Bank. On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
It is also good to note that Donald J. Trump met with Japan’s former prime minister on 4/23/24 and presented him with a golden key to the White House.
On Sunday, 4/28, the US Debt Clock shared this post at its normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST). Under the theme “manifest greatness,” the US Debt Clock completed its 7th month of communications with the American people.
The US Debt Clock is reminding “We The People” that God is greater than the devil (he that is in the world). The Bible passage is from John 4:4. God wins, in the end. God has already won as he defeated the devil after dying on the cross and rising from the grave to declare victory.
Just like Washington displayed courage and greatness when “crossing the Delaware,” the time is fast approaching when American courage and greatness will be back on display. More plainly stated, it is 1776 all over again and time for the Declaration of Independence to be enjoyed by all nations.
So who do you think is behind these cryptic communications from the US Debt Clock? Apparently, it is in the best interest of “We The People” to not know the answer to this question just yet. In the meantime, start getting used to the feeling of being out from under the massive debt that is now piling up at a rate that is hard to fathom.
Our national debt is now increasing at $1 trillion every 100 days. There is quite literally no future to pass on to our kids.
One day soon, this unrelenting financial treadmill will come to a complete and full stop for all of us. Real freedom is right around the corner!