The US Debt Clock embarked on its cryptic storytelling in October 2023. This post summarizes the incredible barrage of posts made during the most active month on record - August 2024. It is rather fitting that we deliver the goods to our subscribers on Labor Day as our “Maha Collective” team of citizen journalists plans to take a full day of rest after tracking this bombardment of communications from the US Debt Clock.
You have two options - take the time to read this lengthy post as this is history in the making. Or you can scroll quickly through the images to get a general feel for what the US Debt Clock is communicating out to the American people. Either way, we might suggest you grab a little extra coffee for this rather lengthy read. And please do share this post with others as the majority of the US population has no idea that these communications have been happening for months.
On with the show….
On Sunday, 8/4/24, the US Debt Clock kicked off August by sharing this post on Twitter/X entitled “A New Earth, Worlds Apart.” This image was posted 1 hour before the normal programming time of 12:00 noon (EST) / 11:00 am (CST).
A entirely new earth awaits us. Why? It will be void of the illegally formed Federal Reserve system. These two worlds, then and now, will be worlds apart. No longer will one country’s currency serve as a world reserve currency. No longer will one nation be able to rape and pillage other nations based on bribes and threats. A new world is fast approaching. Nothing can stop this from happening! Why do you think the topic of BRICS economies emerging is so important to understand?
On Wednesday, 8/7/24, the US Debt Clock did NOT share a post on Twitter/X. However, it did bring things full circle by posting the exact same Bible passage on its website that was seen in its very first post from 10/1/23.
In addition to the Bible passage matching the inaugural post from 10/1/23, this communication included a bright sunshine image beaming bright with shades of gold and silver. The USA is emboldened in gold with the unique “X” symbol (or 4-sided boomerang symbol) front and center.
The US Debt Clock website continued with its August barrage by sharing this post on Wednesday, 8/8/24 suggesting that a switch has been flipped on.
Has the US dollar (old FED, fake dollar) been replaced by the USA dollar? If so, what does this mean? Has the currency exchange process been fulfilled throughout the world, allowing for the final conversion to occur in the US? Did something YUGE just happen on 8/8/24? Did we just Make America Great Again? Asking for a friend.
On Thursday, 8/9/24, the US Debt Clock website kept right on going by sharing this post with what appears to be a picture of a large ship striking an iceberg.
Many of our subscribers may not be aware that several prominent men opposed the concept of a central bank back in the early 1900s. Nearly all of the oppositionists drowned at sea when the Titanic allegedly hit an iceberg and capsized. Some believe that this was in intentional act of sabotage or a murderous act that resulted in massive exchange of power. Just months after the sinking of the Titanic, the Federal Reserve System was illegally formed in 1913, changing the course of history for the US and many other nations.
Based on the image shared by the US Debt Clock, it appears that the Federal Reserve ship is about to crash into the new and improved USA dollar. Again, this imagery of the Titanic neatly painted with descriptive words like counterfeiting, money laundering, conspiracy, fraud, and racketeering is quite poetic when you understand the dynamics surrounding sinking of the Titanic in 1912 and the subsequent formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.
The US Debt Clock website continued its August barrage by sharing this post on Friday, 8/10/24 raising two valid questions. What is Real? How do you Define Real?”
Here is a Morpheus picture gallery so you can see if this aligns with your reality.
Morpheus, in Greco-Roman mythology, is one of the sons of Hypnos (Somnus), the god of sleep. Morpheus is often referred to as the god of dreams. Morpheus sends human shapes (Greek morphai) of all kinds to the dreamer, while his brothers Phobetor (or Icelus) and Phantasus send the forms of animals and inanimate things, respectively.
In the end, fake is fake. The same truth applies to a currency that is not backed by anything real or tangible. Yes, our entire economic “reality” in the US is likely built on a fake, fiat currency that is nothing short of Greco-Roman mythology.
On Sunday, 8/11/24, the US Debt Clock did not share a post on Twitter/X, but communications continued for the 5th consecutive day from the US Debt Clock website. The communication delivery method clearly shifted back to the website on 8/7/24 and the communication pace accelerated dramatically from twice a week on Twitter/X to nearly every day on the website. The post from 8/11 was entitled “Wealth Inversion” with the word “Inversion” striped in the colors gold, red, and green.
Wealth inversion only occurred because of the corruption in the city-state we refer to as Washington, DC. Even though severe storms are in the forecast for DC, “We The People” need to know that a brighter future lies ahead for all 50 states. The fifty capitol cities mark the state governments that are in place to govern each of the “little” state republics. Each state is like its own sovereign nation and may be treated as such under the new financial system. Of course, the circular stars could represent something entirely different than state capitol cities so nothing firm to conclude besides that fact that a storm is brewing in Washington, DC.
The US Debt Clock website continued its August bombardment by sharing this post on Tuesday, 8/13/24 insinuating that a revolution is underway amidst a world encumbered by debt.
The Farnese Atlas statue that is pictured in this post dates back to 200 BC.
It is a 2nd-century Roman marble copy of a Greek sculpture of the Titan, Atlas, kneeling and holding the burden of the sky on his shoulders.
Atlas is normally pictured holding up what appears to be a globe.
The Farnese Atlas is a 2nd-century CE Roman marble sculpture of Atlas holding up a celestial globe. The sculpture is at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, in Italy
The circular shape seen in the US Debt Clock depiction of Atlas is a red colored globe with a golden USA front and center. Atlas also appears to have two shadows, one to the left and one to right, which would suggest that there are 3 Atlas figures, each holding up his own globe.
The US Debt Clock stayed in the groove by posting this image on Wednesday, 8/14/24. In general, this post was nearly identical to a previous post. A world without the Federal Reserve system REQUIRES a new and improved USA dollar. It is that simple.
How many times does the US Debt Clock have to tell you? Plainly stated, the FED is going away.
On Thursday, 8/15/24, the US Debt Clock website kept right on going by sharing this post. Questions are really powerful statements in the end. “When is money NOT money?” Answer: When that money is fake, not backed by anything, and basically fraudulent from top to bottom.
How is that “nest egg” sitting in “cash” reserves looking right about now? And to think that Americans see themselves as one of the richest nations on earth.
Interestingly, this post from 8/15/24 remained active for two days as it could be accessed on Friday, 8/16/24 as well.
It is also good to note here that the US Debt Clock Twitter/X page had been silent since 8/4, but made some major changes/updates on 8/17/24. The profile image and banner header image changed entirely. The profile image prior included the eagle imagery, and is now a unique “X” symbol.
In addition, its entire name changed from the US Debt Clock to Thomas X or @ThomasXusa.
There is a tremendous amount of unsubstantiated theory as to who Thomas X might be referring to.
~ Some have surmised that this could be combination of Clarence Thomas ruling from the Supreme Court and a currency reset involving X or XRP. However, this theory does not totally marry up to the imagery, nor has Clarence Thomas been mentioned in previous US Debt Clock posts.
~ Others think the reference to Thomas is a reference to Thomas Massie, who recently introduced the “End the Fed” bill. This does marry up pretty well, but lacks charm.
~ Some would suggest that Thomas is a reference to “doubting Thomas” in the Bible, who needed “to see” Christ first, to believe he had risen from the dead. Chi or “X” is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ.
~ Others think that the reference to Thomas is a reference to the Thomas Amendment found in Executive Order 10289 dated 9/17/1951. To refresh, Executive Order 11110 was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on 6/4/1963. EO 11110 amended EO 10289. This marries up quite well to all of the other information put out by the US Debt Clock to date.
At the end of the day, the identity of Thomas X remains a mystery.
It is good to note that the Thomas X header does now include the words “We The People.”
Did something get returned back to “We The People” on 8/17/24?
The US Debt Clock website kept up its string of posts by sharing this image later that same evening on Saturday, 8/17/24.
A big switch is about to happen or has already happened. It is also good to note that the shadow background seems to be darkening and expanding now. Is the US Debt Clock slowly “blackening” out the old Federal Reserve system to usher in the NEW quantum financial system that required a NEW USA dollar? Time will tell.
On Sunday, 8/18/24, the US Debt Clock website shared this post crowning the Federal Reserve as the “Ponzi King.”
The Federal Reserve’s ponzi scheme involved trillions of dollars and makes the Charles Ponzi case of 1920 and Bernie Madoff case from 2008 seem quite petty in comparison. To commit heinous crimes against humanity, one must first have access to unlimited financial resources. It looks like the 111-year reign of terror (1913-2024) by the Federal Reserve system comes to an end in 2024.
On Monday, 8/19/24, the US Debt Clock website shared this post, which is a review of previous posts. NEW USA (not U.S.) money will be backed by gold and all assets will be tokenized, creating REAL wealth for “We The People.” Again, the only subtle difference between this post from 8/19 and the prior post that our team could decipher was the darkened background expanding to cover up more of the US Debt Clock numbers in the background.
This post did shine the light on one detail that went unnoticed before. What exactly are “recaptured assets?” This US Debt Clock image shows that we have $7.6 trillion in recaptured assets. Recaptured would suggest that something had been stolen, as if by an enemy combatant, and subsequently recaptured. If assets were “recaptured” from an enemy during war, who would sign off on the receipt of those assets? Would this be referring to the results of Trumps Executive Order 13818 (Crimes against humanity) and Executive Order 13848 (Election interference)? To refresh, the list of sealed indictments did rise above 500,000 a few months ago and stands at 517,375.
Food for thought.
On Tuesday, 8/20/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image showing a chart of the pyramid scheme that is the Federal Reserve system. Our nation is forever bankrupt while standing on this debt based system that was put in place in 1913 while Woodrow Wilson was POTUS.
ThomasX looks on with bewilderment, wondering how “We The People” could have lived under such tyranny for so long.
On Wednesday, 8/21/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image under the theme “Devolution.”
In simplest terms, evolving and devolving could be considered opposites, but let’s review the dictionary definition and check to see what Wikipedia has to say.
In this case, devolution appears to be the legal transfer of property from one owner to another. It could also involve a decentralization of power. Plainly stated, the federal government is about to be downsized (or set aside for a short while) and power is returning to the states and “We The People.” It is good to note that devolution is NOT about “going backwards,” as you will often hear the Democrats cry out against Trump. “Donald Trump plans to take us backwards, while we are the ‘progressive’ party moving America forward.” Think logically. Why do you think that the Democrat socialists would demand that everyone believe this? What are they moving our country towards? Very simply, their power, perceived or real, rests at the federal level. Socialism, or communism, operates under centralized government power. Devolution involves administrative decentralization or just the opposite of communism.
Trump already told us that devolution was occurring during his inauguration speech in January 2017. Devolution is NOT going to happen, it is already is happening.
He basically stated that a transfer of power was NOT occurring between political parties on this day, but it was being returned to “We The People,” where it belongs.
On Thursday, 8/22/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image under the theme “Unlock The Future,” ultimately leading to a “bankless revolution” with a NEW USA dollar.
It would appear that once “X” is unlocked, the jail doors will open for those living under the tyranny of the Federal Reserve in the United States. An eagle, or the symbol of FREEDOM, can be seen at the four corners of this post. In the end, freedom is what this journey is all about, and freedom from tyranny is what our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are all about.
On Friday, 8/23/24, Thomas X, the artist formerly known as the US Debt Clock, shared this image from its Twitter/X account, providing a humorous conversation depicting life in Legoland.
A depopulation agenda requires a dehumanizing of “We The People.” In the eyes of the globalist, fake people would even be better than real people. Robots would be better than human hands….less hassle. Real humans may make for good pets, but that is about it. For the globalist elites, the earth is better off with fewer human beings. Why? Humans are really a “burden” on society. More plainly stated, God can’t handle providing for all of these humans so the globalist elites feel that they must step in to help God out. Ideological warfare!
Also on Friday, 8/23/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image from its website.
This post is another duplicate post from the past, but a gentle reminder that we will all be working for gold and/or silver soon, but not the fake, fiat currency.
On Saturday, 8/24/24, the US Debt Clock shared this image.
The Fed money supply chart clearly shows that the fiat dollar supply is decreasing rapidly. On the USA money side of this image, it appears to be a review of a post from 5/26/24 with at least four distinct variations.
The word “United” appears in the title on the post from 5/26/24, while that was excluded from the post on 8/24/24. Secondly, the USA “dollar” from 5/26/24 is now USA “money.” Thirdly, the pedestal holding up the Eagle symbol, just below the image of JFK, has been enhanced to include the X symbol. And finally, two tokens have been added (one clearly touting the words AI), making the token band 12 wide vs 10 wide.
On Sunday, 8/25/24, the US Debt Clock continued its August barrage with this teaser in the morning and this “Defund The Fed” post at or around 6:00 PM (EST) / 5:00 PM (CST). The Federal Reserve “pyramid scheme” is flipped upside down so it would appear that something significant happened at or around 6:00 PM (EST).
It is hard to see what is pictured in the red background, but there is certainly lightning striking down or gold rushing into Omaha, Kansas City, or somewhere near the middle of America. And with both assassinated Presidents Abraham Lincoln (1865) and John F. Kennedy (1963) pictured in the promo teaser, one has to wonder if this is the work that these men were both about and the primary reason why each person was assassinated. Did both men recognize that a central bank (whether it was the Bank of England or the Federal Reserve system) was a terrible idea and one that posed a major threat to “We The People?”
And do you understand the concept of inverted pyramid management or reverse hierarchy? The US Federal Reserve system is inverted or flipped upside down in this image from 8/25/24 so that gold flows freely to “We The People.” The “federal” financial organization that once controlled all of us, will now free us once it is inverted.
On Monday, 8/26/24, the US Debt Clock accelerated its delivery speed even more by posting on both the US Debt Clock website and Thomas X Twitter/X page.
Those delivering the cryptic messages from the US Debt Clock platform enjoy using satirical humor to make a point. In this case, they singled out the FDA and mocked its recent “fake” approval of Conspior, working hand in hand with a “fake” company named Lethal. Do you think some changes might be on the horizon for the FDA with RFK announcing that it is time to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)? #ChevronDeference
The other post from 8/26/24 is a review of an earlier post. It looks like the USA Treasury is different from the US Treasury. Pay close attention to that letter “A.”
On Tuesday, 8/27/24, the US Debt Clock continued its accelerated delivery speed by posting on both the US Debt Clock website and Thomas X Twitter/X page. The Thomas X page shared some shocking stats about the 2020 US Presidential election.
Later that same day on 8/27/24, the US Debt Clock website shared another review post as this image was shared earlier.
A world without the Federal Reserve system requires a NEW USA dollar, backed by gold and silver. The Fed and fake, fiat currency are going away.
On Wednesday, 8/28/24, the US Debt Clock continued its August rampage with this teaser in the morning and this “Revalue Your Thinking” post at or around 9:00 PM (EST) / 8:00 PM (CST).
Start thinking outside the Federal Reserve box! If money were not such a requirement to survive, what would you choose to do with your life? Start thinking about living again rather than being slaves to debt system built on fraud. Real wealth will produce new opportunities for all of us! Real wealth will produce new found freedoms!
On Thursday, 8/29/24, the US Debt Clock seemed to take a little breather by posting this same post from 8/13/24 or 16 days earlier. No updates were made to the Thomas X page on Twitter/X either.
Since we commented extensively on this post earlier, we will move right along.
On or around Friday, 8/30/24, those managing the “Thomas X” page on Twitter/X updated it once more. The name of the account reverted back to the “US Debt Clock .org.” Note the added space. In addition, the logo on the header reverted back to the logo that is extraordinarily similar to the Joint Sessions of Congress logo.
On Saturday evening, 8/31/24, the US Debt Clock closed out the very active month of August with a reminder post that the Federal Reserve wins the prize for the greatest of all time (GOAT) ponzi schemes.
The big detail on this post is that this ponzi scheme has an end date of 2024. End the Fed appears to be happening in 2024, per the US Debt Clock. History in the making, if true!
Whewww!!! This concludes the August 2024 barrage from the US Debt Clock. We knew August was going to be hot, and the US Debt Clock did not disappoint.
Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend!
Want to see more US Debt Clock? Our patriotic “Red, White, and Blue” post from June 2024 is a stack of all US Debt Clock posts dating back to 10/1/23.