Just in case the continued post doesn't take! https://naomiwolf.substack.com/ God bless you! It does seem that "America" is awakeing! I will, FED this tomy Ne AG office - in response to their call re: 'Your concerns" (in my many emails, copied to their office re: the Nebraska "Open Meetings Statute and the "Stolen Elections" that State and local Gov't bodies will not discuss. And Now - LB 1390 and related "secure"? Election bills - make "FAKES" and criminals out of people like us - chargeable by ANY one in secret? Unilateral power structure of the Ne S of S im re to the election process in Ne but obviously directed by national" Cultural Marxism" traitors, seditionists - which is their successful revolution accomplished w/o debates/discussions with "We the People". We need to scrap the Partisan Uniparty (Non- Partisan? 501(c)3's) syatem - as we did King George! LET'S ROLL!
Attn: Jeniffer - My following Post, in reply to :your call - some time ago -
thank you
https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/letter-from-cpac?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email pretty much sums up the sybjec of ny nabyn emaiks to numerous Ne and Douglas County B of S in regards to obtaining a "Presentation" by "WE THE PEOPLE" with Robert Borer as "Presntor" on the topic of the NE Open Meeting Statute and the "Stolen Election" to be scheduled before the Primary election, and in each County Board, ut hopefully at a "Public" Hearing at the GVMA Committe - befor the end of this session!
We the People want answers, action to remove :B 1390 and related changes to election changes being proposed! Nonme of my request/emails have been replied to nor answered. It is the Gov'ts right, duty. to .....! "...It is your right, your duty to Alter, change, replacde, and re-insitute that Gov't .....!
We the People", "The Electors", demand our time at the "Public Meeting,..." Thankyou
welllll- here's the thinggggg! Omaha Ne. Douglas Co. Commissioners (Commissars) recently eliminated "Citizen Comments" on non-agenda items. On 2/4 (just 3 days before Israel was attacked by Islamist Gazans) I protested On an agenda item - giving Property tax exemption to a local ISLAMIC CENTER - and was told "Mr. Storer can walk his ISLAMPHOBIA right out of here" then the then President of the Central Committee told me essentially the same thing and "never again"! The my own Commissar declared me GUILTY of "HATE SPEECH"...! So much for Elected officials that dishonor their Oaths, and all AMERICANS, let alone those that died, served and are serving to "...protect,.....enemies, foreign and domestic!
The City Council (Committee of speech suppression) had no "citizen comments" period - and often interrupts, cuts off, orders Sheriffs deputies to remove (some) citizens that they feel break their "Parliamentary" Rules. (PAUSE) Neither really applies the Ne. Open Meetings Statute or it's "Intent" as a so called protection of "We the People"'s rights to "Speak on each and every item,..... limiting the citizens they work for - by interpreting the clause, term "Reasonable" Rules..., to their definition of, and advantage, against us! Against our tax dollars....!
This per advice from National Organizations,...., such as the National Association of Counties,or, ..... , and the "Lobbyists" they employ and pay, either thru "Dues" or Proclamations, Resolutions, Ordinances,..., (our taxpayer dollars), which also is often on top of Federal "Covid" or "Arpa" dollars, for the taking which are still taxpayer dollars! RUN FOR THE MONEY! Who can we help finance - a payroll, a new business, new physical plant, ....,
What happens when the well runs dry? Who will run to, then Cry? Then when the Feds say UHHHH - it's "Clawback" time, to recover unqualified grant money - will they cough up out of their own pockets? Will the advisor they paid to advise them? Or will you, We The People?
Now - on to the Ne. State Legislature which among other proposed Statutes, or Amendments to existing "Election" Statutes, comes proposing that We the People, that smell treason in the last Elections (going back to "the Hanging Chads") - FFWD to 2016???, then 2020 (The Stolen Election) are Guilty of ???? for ????... the Ne Secretary of State and any election workers - maybe even the so called Non-Partisan LWV - A National Org ( and tax free political arm of the our DEMOCRACY cabal and "Cultural Marxism" Left Wing.
LB 1390 - amending our election statutes to further cover up and expand "The Steal", coup, putch, revolution - was given much Lip Service by the likes of the Marxist Civic Engagement wing of the UNO Political (RE) Education Camp, and yes - The League of Women Voters ( ever present for registration drives, polling places, Education seminars? All now able to claim that you or I, all of "we the People" are terrorists - guilty of harrasing, stalking, Fake info, FAKE VIDEOS, FAKE this, FAKE that, by anyone.
Accused, arrested, charged - on a whim or even a mis-understood word, gesture, (Continue? - Oops I goofed and erased some - so will finish TM or ?)
3/6/1943 - Reply to https://naomiwolf.substack.com/God bless you! It does seem that "America" is awakeing! I will, FED this to my Ne AG office - in response to their call re: 'Your concerns" (in my many emails, copied to their office re: the Nebraska "Open Meetings Statute and the "Stolen Elections" that State and local Gov't bodies will not discuss. And Now - LB 1390 and related "secure"? Election bills - make "FAKES" and criminals out of people like us - chargeable by ANY one in secret? Unilateral power structure of the Ne S of S im re to the election process in Ne but obviously directed by national" Cultural Marxism" traitors, seditionists - which is their successful revolution accomplished w/o debates/discussions with "We the People". We need to scrap the Partisan Uniparty (Non- Partisan? 501(c)3's) syatem - as we did King George! LET'S ROLL
Just in case the continued post doesn't take! https://naomiwolf.substack.com/ God bless you! It does seem that "America" is awakeing! I will, FED this tomy Ne AG office - in response to their call re: 'Your concerns" (in my many emails, copied to their office re: the Nebraska "Open Meetings Statute and the "Stolen Elections" that State and local Gov't bodies will not discuss. And Now - LB 1390 and related "secure"? Election bills - make "FAKES" and criminals out of people like us - chargeable by ANY one in secret? Unilateral power structure of the Ne S of S im re to the election process in Ne but obviously directed by national" Cultural Marxism" traitors, seditionists - which is their successful revolution accomplished w/o debates/discussions with "We the People". We need to scrap the Partisan Uniparty (Non- Partisan? 501(c)3's) syatem - as we did King George! LET'S ROLL!
copy to: To ago.info.help@nebraska.gov; donad.kleine@douglascounty-ne.gov; daniel.esch@douglascounty-ne.gov; roger.garcia@douglascounty-ne.gov; maureen.boyle@douglascounty-ne.gov
Cc robertjborer@protonmail.com; robertjborer@substack.com; essstoleour.vote@gmail.com; blvegod@gmail.com; brinker.harding@cityofomaha.org
Attn: Jeniffer - My following Post, in reply to :your call - some time ago -
thank you
https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/letter-from-cpac?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=email pretty much sums up the sybjec of ny nabyn emaiks to numerous Ne and Douglas County B of S in regards to obtaining a "Presentation" by "WE THE PEOPLE" with Robert Borer as "Presntor" on the topic of the NE Open Meeting Statute and the "Stolen Election" to be scheduled before the Primary election, and in each County Board, ut hopefully at a "Public" Hearing at the GVMA Committe - befor the end of this session!
We the People want answers, action to remove :B 1390 and related changes to election changes being proposed! Nonme of my request/emails have been replied to nor answered. It is the Gov'ts right, duty. to .....! "...It is your right, your duty to Alter, change, replacde, and re-insitute that Gov't .....!
We the People", "The Electors", demand our time at the "Public Meeting,..." Thankyou
welllll- here's the thinggggg! Omaha Ne. Douglas Co. Commissioners (Commissars) recently eliminated "Citizen Comments" on non-agenda items. On 2/4 (just 3 days before Israel was attacked by Islamist Gazans) I protested On an agenda item - giving Property tax exemption to a local ISLAMIC CENTER - and was told "Mr. Storer can walk his ISLAMPHOBIA right out of here" then the then President of the Central Committee told me essentially the same thing and "never again"! The my own Commissar declared me GUILTY of "HATE SPEECH"...! So much for Elected officials that dishonor their Oaths, and all AMERICANS, let alone those that died, served and are serving to "...protect,.....enemies, foreign and domestic!
The City Council (Committee of speech suppression) had no "citizen comments" period - and often interrupts, cuts off, orders Sheriffs deputies to remove (some) citizens that they feel break their "Parliamentary" Rules. (PAUSE) Neither really applies the Ne. Open Meetings Statute or it's "Intent" as a so called protection of "We the People"'s rights to "Speak on each and every item,..... limiting the citizens they work for - by interpreting the clause, term "Reasonable" Rules..., to their definition of, and advantage, against us! Against our tax dollars....!
This per advice from National Organizations,...., such as the National Association of Counties,or, ..... , and the "Lobbyists" they employ and pay, either thru "Dues" or Proclamations, Resolutions, Ordinances,..., (our taxpayer dollars), which also is often on top of Federal "Covid" or "Arpa" dollars, for the taking which are still taxpayer dollars! RUN FOR THE MONEY! Who can we help finance - a payroll, a new business, new physical plant, ....,
What happens when the well runs dry? Who will run to, then Cry? Then when the Feds say UHHHH - it's "Clawback" time, to recover unqualified grant money - will they cough up out of their own pockets? Will the advisor they paid to advise them? Or will you, We The People?
Now - on to the Ne. State Legislature which among other proposed Statutes, or Amendments to existing "Election" Statutes, comes proposing that We the People, that smell treason in the last Elections (going back to "the Hanging Chads") - FFWD to 2016???, then 2020 (The Stolen Election) are Guilty of ???? for ????... the Ne Secretary of State and any election workers - maybe even the so called Non-Partisan LWV - A National Org ( and tax free political arm of the our DEMOCRACY cabal and "Cultural Marxism" Left Wing.
LB 1390 - amending our election statutes to further cover up and expand "The Steal", coup, putch, revolution - was given much Lip Service by the likes of the Marxist Civic Engagement wing of the UNO Political (RE) Education Camp, and yes - The League of Women Voters ( ever present for registration drives, polling places, Education seminars? All now able to claim that you or I, all of "we the People" are terrorists - guilty of harrasing, stalking, Fake info, FAKE VIDEOS, FAKE this, FAKE that, by anyone.
Accused, arrested, charged - on a whim or even a mis-understood word, gesture, (Continue? - Oops I goofed and erased some - so will finish TM or ?)
3/6/1943 - Reply to https://naomiwolf.substack.com/God bless you! It does seem that "America" is awakeing! I will, FED this to my Ne AG office - in response to their call re: 'Your concerns" (in my many emails, copied to their office re: the Nebraska "Open Meetings Statute and the "Stolen Elections" that State and local Gov't bodies will not discuss. And Now - LB 1390 and related "secure"? Election bills - make "FAKES" and criminals out of people like us - chargeable by ANY one in secret? Unilateral power structure of the Ne S of S im re to the election process in Ne but obviously directed by national" Cultural Marxism" traitors, seditionists - which is their successful revolution accomplished w/o debates/discussions with "We the People". We need to scrap the Partisan Uniparty (Non- Partisan? 501(c)3's) syatem - as we did King George! LET'S ROLL
More later today?