It is hard to imagine, but September 2024 marks the 12th consecutive month of US Debt Clock communications. The very first post that the US Debt Clock made was on 10/1/23. When our team initially started compiling our September 2024 review, we planned to share another full month of impressive entertainment. However, the posts made by the US Debt Clock in the first few weeks of September can be best described as “rapid fire” so we decided to send this update detailing just the “first half” of September.
On Sunday, 9/1/24, the US Debt Clock website kicked off September with this post, after promoting its delivery at 6:00 pm (EST) / 5:00 pm (CST) earlier that same day. It’s advice is clear and simple - start thinking bigger.
A similar post, but nicely framed, was also made on the US Debt Clock Twitter/X page at 12:00 midnight (EST) / 11:00 pm (CST).
Honestly, this post has so much information embedded in it that a person could make a whole story decoding just this one post. We will touch on a just a few things here.
First and foremost, Matthew 21:12 is cited again, which was the first message sent from the US Debt Clock on 10/1/23.
Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. Matthew 21:12
The coinage depicted in these 9/1/24 images is also referred to as a Tetradrachm.
The Hellenistic period spans the nearly three hundred years between the death of Alexander the Great of Macedonia (323 BCE) and that of Cleopatra VII of Egypt (30 BCE), a descendant of one of Alexander’s generals. The term Hellenistic is derived from Hellas, an ancient Greek word for Greece.
It would appear that this particular coin on display was minted by the city of Antioch with the image of Emperor Marcus Salvius Otho. However, it is difficult to confirm this detail. We can confirm that a very old map of the city of Jerusalem is laid inside the US map on this US Debt Clock image from 9/1/24.
An image detailing the Second Temple (or the rebuilt temple after the Babylonian captivity) is front and center. It is good to note that the Holy of Holies in the Second Temple did not have the Ark of the Covenant in it.
What does all of this history of Jerusalem and references to Matthew 21:12 have to do with finance? Would it be possible that US soil was the original home of the land called Israel? Wouldn’t that be something? Or is the US Debt Clock indicating that the Federal Reserve system was the second temple that was built by those interested in making God’s house a den of thieves? The first financial temple must have been located elsewhere? Vatican City or the City of England maybe?
Let’s simply move on from this thought provoking post from the US Debt Clock.
On Labor Day, 9/2/24, the US Debt Clock did not rest from its labors. The Twitter/X page went through a name update moving from ThomasXusa to USDebtClock_org.
Was “ThomasXusa” simply a temporary surname? If so, why was this name necessary? Time will tell.
The profile image or logo was also updated with a purple color now included around the perimeter. The top part of the shield on the eagle’s chest, which was once blue, is also purple.
Also on 9/2/24, the US Debt Clock website delivered this image again. A similar image was shared on 8/19/24. What exactly is the US Debt Clock trying to shine the light by sharing the same post twice?
One possibility for the US Debt Clock to review this post so quickly might be to display the fact that in just two weeks, the total hidden wealth figure at the lower right corner went from $171,741,514,637,993 to $171,789,230,529,508. This is an increase of nearly $47.7 trillion in just 14 days.
On 9/3/24, the US Debt Clock continued its string of daily posts by sharing another post from earlier.
The character, Thomas X looks on in bewilderment as Uncle Sam sells the debt “money” pyramid scheme to “We The People.” Will Thomas X one day be our children and grandchildren, wondering why we didn’t make these major financial changes sooner?
On 9/4/24, the US Debt Clock continued its fast start in September by sharing this message from the “Federal News Networks.” This post also came with a promo earlier in the day.
The question raised is timely. Why don’t the US MSM networks tell us that our financial system is a fraudulent, pyramid scheme? Why? Well, this same system props up their role as shapers of public opinion, whether based on fact or fiction. The “federal” news networks work for the Uniparty or protect the establishment we refer to as the “federal” government. The “federal” news networks will NEVER tell us that our “federal” reserve system is flawed or that the ”FED” dollar is a ponzi scheme.
This same post was polished up, framed nicely, and posted on Twitter/X at 12:00 midnight EST / 11:00 pm CST.
What do you think the US Debt Clock is trying to communicate with this odd posting time on Twitter/X? The post is technically appearing on two different days (12:00 am (EST) on 9/5 and 11:00 pm (CST) on 9/4. Has the clock struck midnight, so to speak, for the Federal Reserve system and the Federal News Networks that support this fraud?
On Thursday, 9/5/24, the US Debt Clock website posted this image through its patented “secret window” delivery system. This post is another review from earlier, emphasizing that a world without the FED simply requires a NEW USA dollar. It is that simple.
It is good to note that “Recaptured Assets” and “Total Hidden Wealth” figures seen in the lower right corner continue to grow at a rampant pace. Those who commit crimes against humanity and/or wage war against the USA Republic and its Constitution would be deemed enemy combatants and would lose their rights as citizens. Their assets would be seized or “recaptured,” so to speak. How? Through executive orders signed by Donald J. Trump, the seizing of assets is specified quite clearly.
On Friday, 9/6/24, the US Debt Clock continued its September barrage by sharing this message about the FED dollar. This post also came with a promo earlier in the day emphasizing the word “racketeers.”
The “fractional” reserve system (FED) and the fake, fiat dollar (FED) were set up to serve only the top 1% of society or the “elites.” This is depicted by the tiny, yellow triangle that sits atop the green pyramid. This ponzi scheme or criminal racketeering enterprise put “We The People” into a slave to owner relationship. The elites or top 1% basically own “We The People” with this debt based system in place. Remove it and we all discover a new found freedom, completely free from “federal” rule.
This post from 9/6/24 also appeared polished and framed on the US Debt Clock Twitter/X page at 6:00 PM (EST) / 5:00 PM (CST).
On Saturday, 9/7/24, the US Debt Clock posted another review from the past. This same image was shared by the US Debt Clock on 8/18/24 or 20 days earlier.
Plainly stated, the US Federal Reserve System wins the prize for the greatest Ponzi scheme of all time. Other notable Ponzi schemes pale in comparison. Again, please note that the “Total Hidden Wealth” figure on the lower right corner of the US Debt Clock website increased from approximately $171,445,017,515,554 on 8/18/24 to $171,903,417,538,147 on 9/7/24. This is an increase of $458,400,022,593 in 20 days, which equates to approximately $22.9 billion per day.
On Sunday, 9/8/24, the US Debt Clock website shared this image. This post also came with a promo earlier in the day shining the light on the “racketeers” who placed a dark cloud over America when the Federal Reserve was created.
“They thought they could steal America” implies that the USA Republic and/or the land on which it was founded was worth stealing. Why the need to incorporate (Inc.) the US and make it nothing more than another company? By doing so, they (the globalist elites) thought they could steal America or basically take ownership of America.
For those with access to Twitter/X, @Maerox put out this detailed post explaining the risks involved with CDOs, REVERSE REPOs, OTC CDS derivatives. It is a good read if you desire to learn more on those details.
It is good to note that the US Debt Clock website post was then polished, framed, and posted on the Twitter/X page right on time at 6:00 pm (EST) / 5:00 pm (CST).
We are witnessing communication delivery with precision timing with posts being made at a specific, scheduled time on BOTH the US Debt Clock website and the US Debt Clock Twitter/X page. What does this coordinated delivery prove? Any person or entity trying to copy the US Debt Clock or claim to be the US Debt Clock is unable to do so. Copy cats need not apply!
On Monday, 9/9/24, the US Debt Clock website shared the same image that was shared on 8/13/24 or 26 days earlier.
It appears that a financial revolution has already begun. Enjoy the journey moving forward! Again, recaptured assets continue to increase at a rampant pace, growing from $7,633,336,466,829 on 8/13/24 to $7,660,753501,824 on 9/9/24.
On Tuesday, 9/10/24, the US Debt Clock website shared the same image that was shared on 8/11/24 or 30 days earlier.
It would appear that storms are in the forecast for Washington DC, while the rest of the nation is turned to gold. The US Constitution says that the District of Columbia was to be no more than 10 square miles. Today, it is technically 60+ square miles. More plainly stated, the federal government was never meant to be this vast and wide. Once the storm hits DC, it will never amass the size and power that we see today.
On Wednesday, 9/11/24, the US Debt Clock proclaimed that restitution had occurred for “We The People.” This post also came with a promo earlier in the day.
To refresh from Matthew 21:12, Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers in the temple. It is quite symbolic for the US Debt Clock to refer to the Fed as “We The Moneychangers.” A golden era will be ushered in for “We The People” when the Federal Reserve and FED dollar are eliminated.
This US Debt Clock website post was also polished, framed, and posted on the Twitter/X page right on time at 6:00 pm (EST) / 5:00 pm (CST).
As the fake, fiat, “federal” dollar is removed, the NEW USA dollar restores the USA Republic and returns the power back to “We The People.”
On Thursday, 9/12/24, the US Debt Clock website shared this image.
It is good to note that on this same day, Donald J. Trump was quoted as saying that on 9/16/24, we will leave the “big banks” behind and usher in a new financial world. It remains unclear as to what exactly “unlocks the vault,” but we can be certain that our total hidden wealth continues to grow at a rampant pace, now surpassing $172 trillion.
On infamous Friday the 13th, 9/13/24, the US Debt Clock website shared multiple images. This is the first time multiple images have been shared in just a few hours. The first image that appeared instructed the viewers to “revalue your thinking.”
The Federal Reserve, fake, fiat system did not allow a person to live freely as all were slaves to the system, constantly chasing the almighty dollar to survive. The NEW USA dollar ushers in a new financial era so the chasing of the almighty dollar will no longer be necessary. The “old” is NOT equal to the “new.”
It is good to note that silver went through its own revaluing on 9/13/24 as image one showed silver at $488 per ounce and image two showed silver at $524 an ounce. This $36 increase per ounce is quite a substantial change in just a few hours. It would appear that a financial revolution is underway as of Friday the 13th and the “silver warrior” is leading the charge.
If you are not on Twitter/X, you might heed the advice given here and consider doing so just to follow the US Debt Clock.
It is good to note that the Trump Media & Technology Group Corp stock (Symbol: DJT), was halted by Nasdaq twice on 9/13/24. Why would Nasdaq do this on this day?
So what else was happening in the financial world on or around Friday the 13th? Donald J. Trump did announce that his “WorldLibertFi” crypto platform would be launching on Monday, 9/16/24. Yes, it is supposed to launch today at 8:00 pm (EST).
Trump also put out a simple truth on Truth Social on 9/13/24 stating just this - #. This symbol means checkmate in chess. Meanwhile, Trump was flying on a quite well-equipped airplane while watching news of Biden putting on a MAGA hat while he was allegedly out “campaigning.”
Does this all seem like a coincidence to you? Do you really think that all of these things occurring in a 24-hour time period is just random happenstance? You might want to heed the advice of the US Debt Clock and start to revalue your thinking. It is likely time for all of us remove the fog from our COG lenses so we start seeing things more clearly.
On Saturday, 9/14/24, the US Debt Clock website shared the same image as was shared on 8/13/24 and 9/9/24. This is the first image that we are aware of that has been shared 3 times. What exactly is the US Debt Clock emphasizing? Check out the increase in the price per ounce for silver in just one month.
Has the remedy for the Federal Reserve been unleashed? Has the silver squeeze play begun? Are you recalling what the US Debt Clock said about this topic earlier? Silver starts the financial revolution and calls the FED’s bluff.
On Sunday, 9/15/24, the US Debt Clock website shared this image to close out the first half of September. This post also came with a promo earlier in the day.
This US Debt Clock website post was also polished, framed, and posted on the Twitter/X page right on time at 6:00 pm (EST) / 5:00 pm (CST).
This image, entitled “Turn Of Ages,” showed two separate eras in history…one labelled “Theft” and the other labelled “Justice.” The “theft” age is depicted as a darker period in time, as if a person were confined to a prison cell with limited freedom. Meanwhile, the new “justice” age showcases freedom and prosperity - a golden age, if you will. Are we officially shifting from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius? Or did that occur earlier on 11/11/2011?
It is good to note that the Greek letters, Alpha and Omega, were displayed in the lower left and right corner of this image from 9/15/24. In the Bible, God is often referred to as the Alpha and Omega or the beginning and the end.
A Bible passage from Proverbs 21:15 was positioned in the center of this image.
When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous, but terror to evildoers. (Proverbs 21:15)
It is good to note that the year 1776 is displayed in the lower center. In addition, the USA globe is encircled by 13 stars, which could potentially be a reference to the 13 colonies. The famous Betsy Ross flag clearly displays 13 stars to reflect the make-up of the USA Republic in 1777.
In the end, all of the chaos that we are living through and all of this talk about NEW USA dollars and a new financial system is not just a conversation about $$$. It is about crimes against humanity. The crimes are so horrific that the situation has required that an entirely new economic system be built, worldwide. As one financial system (Federal Reserve and its fake, fiat dollar) is slowly dismantled, another financial system is emerging that is 100% free from the criminal enterprise. This MASSIVE financial overhaul ensures that the evildoers will never operate again and peace will be restored to “We The People.”
More plainly stated, it looks like justice is about to be served up….terror to the evildoers!
This concludes our team’s compilation of the first half of September 2024. We anticipate the second half of September to be even more robust and enlightening. Watch for our September 2024 (Second Half) update in early October!